Swimming Elephants

Date: 2/21/2018

By Dreamberrie

I am underwater and look up to see three Elephants swimming at the surface of the water. Two of them have there trunks out of the water to breathe, the other is slightly lower in the water and smaller as well. The small one gets too deep exploring. It gets trapped under this giant centipede type monster. I have the viewpoint of being head height with the elephant, it's dark and well below the surface. The centipede monster keeps stabbing a barbed foot, eitherside of the poor elephant that shrieks everytome this happens. I become aware that it will run out of air soon. The monster strikes the same spot twice in a row, almost giving permission for the elephant to leave. It reminds me of a car playing with a mouse but that don't want it to die. The Elephant makes a break for it.