Library in the food court and Michael Scott

Date: 1/2/2020

By dizzzy

I was at my sisters school. I think I might have been with someone but I can’t remember who. I was wandering through the food court looking for something. I think I was just exploring. I passed by a chik fil a that was massive and had two different stores. One was for kids and had a play area, and I saw a bunch of people I knew back in high school who I had also gone to elementary with. They were kids. I continued to wander and found another door that lead to a huge library. It was almost like a maze or something. I wandered through and found a book that I wanted to keep. I tried leaving with it but the edges started blinking red as I exited the door and I thought I might set off an alarm. “I have to go back in and check this book out,” I said to the person who was with me. “I didn’t even see a check out area.” So I went back inside and the checkout area was right in front of the door. I got in line and the person in front of me was way taller than me and I got an odd feeling about them. And then I realized it was the person who hated me in high school. I turned and started to walk away really fast because for some reason I didn’t want her to see me at my sisters school. Then the book bag I didn’t even realize I had on was sliding down and had gotten between my legs from behind and I couldn’t walk right. I was waddling like a penguin or something and it was slowing me down. I heard her voice say, “What are you doing here?” She was right behind me. I didn’t turn around. I simply said, “I wanted this book.” Next thing I know I’m sitting in a chair in the library and Michael Scott from the office is sitting next to me at a table eating a pb&j and he says to me, “girls like it when you suck on their neck or thighs. As soon as I find this out? Nauseating.” And then he took a big bite of the sandwich.