The demon

Date: 11/25/2016

By Norswil

I'm sitting in the back seat of a car. A big, old car, i feel quite small. It's very dark and there's no color, everything is black and white. It's driving slowly, I look to see the driver but there's no driver at all. I shuffle across the seat to look out the window, it's raining, it's night, in a city that could be anywhere. The car slows and rolls to a stop. There's a dark, hooded figure sitting on a chair on the pavement, it's slumped forward, long black hair covering its face. Suddenly my window rolls down. It's raining hard but there's no sound. The figure's head snaps up fast, we lock eyes! The ugliest face i have ever seen, a demon's face, burning eyes, boiling skin. I can't bare to look, but i am unable to turn away. Staring deep into my eyes, deeper, i felt it was staring into my soul, attacking my soul! In a loud, foul voice it says "you are mine!". I wake up hyperventilating, completely terrified. This was a nightmare i had when i was about 16 years old. One i will never forget. I can still see all the detail in my mind, the figure. I was a christian back then, i prayed desperately until the sun came up. I felt as if my soul had been attacked by an actual demon or satan himself, the words "you are mine" running through my head, it all felt so real. I didn't sleep for days after that night, it is still to this day the most afraid i have ever been.