Death sucks

Date: 5/19/2019

By Allforwhat

My grandmother died this year. While I’ve had other deaths in the family, none of them hit me as hard as hers. This was an iteration dream. At certain points, I’d “wake up” from this dream into another similar dream. The dream started with consoling my grandfather who still misses her dearly. The impact of her death has been quite apparent on him. In the dream, he’s burst into tears and episodes of delirium of wanting to die and join her. Over the course of time, I figured these cases of delirium were more than just that. In one episode of delirium, my grandfather tried to swim himself to death dressed as my grandmother. This was so odd, that I knew something else was up. I ran into my grandparents big house and searched around until I found an area with very oppressive spiritual energy. I called out to my grandmother and was responded to by a distorted image of her. I begged for her to let grandpa go and that find a more dignified way for him to join her that didn’t include him drowning in a pool dressed as her. She was surprised to see me and asked me if I remembered her. I burst into tears and told her of course I did and recounted all the amazing times I had with her and how she had impacted my life. I tried to hug her, but I went through the distorted image. She disappeared along with the pressure, but I continued talking and bawling. At that time, my grandfather had gone back to normal. As I figured out what to do about this problem, several more incidents like this occurred with me begging my grandmother for more time and convincing her that it was me and I remembered her. Finally, an incident occurred in her house with my grandpa and the rest of my family there. I told my family it was time and I was met with mixed reactions. I ignored them and found my grandfather at the bottom of a long staircase and told him it was time. His face shed all the accumulated fear stress and sadness that had built up over the years. He pushed his walker aside and walked up the stairs with me by his side to support him just in case his supernatural walking ability faltered. We entered a long hall with a mirror at the end of it. The mirror seemed to shoot out strong spiritual pressure, but as long as I touched my grandfather, I was unaffected. He walked to the end of the hall and touched the mirror. The life seemed to leave him and the spiritual pressure subsided as he fell to the ground. At that point, I thought it was all over until he started to move. From this point on, I woke up multiple times in my grandparents house. Sometimes, I seemed to be possessed by things, sometimes I would experience strange illusions, but the whole time, I was trying to return two pieces of my grandmother’s clothing to the mirror. Sometimes I had the clothing, sometimes I was wearing the clothing, sometimes I wasn’t. After many strange iterative experiences I finally succeeded, but nothing changed. Nothing happened. At that point, I cried as I knew it had been over for awhile and time only moves forward. I continued to cry and talk to my grandmother until I finally woke up.