Date: 9/24/2018
By dreakee
I was babysitting a dog but it ran away so I had to chase after it. I ran through the crowd of people and picked him up then walked downtown. There must’ve been an announcement on a speaker, (I was at school) but the principal had turned evil and had the power to cut through any surface. He cut through the layer where it was closest to everyone’s heads. Everyone started freaking out, we had to run from him. I was holding a baby for some reason and so were some other people, I ran with the baby out towards the lake. We were in Lake Tahoe now, and I ran towards the water. I saw the man there. He was coaching a team, he saw me and stepped towards me. I watched as others ran past me, down a trail in the trees. He told me I made a wrong decision, and that I would have to do something in return for my life. He asked for the baby. I said “never!”, spat in his face and then ran as fast as I could, crouched low as the other students were. Then I woke up.