Date: 10/19/2018
By lazylucid
I don’t know how we met but there was another Sabrina. She knew of the other Sabrina and made sure that I understood that they were not the same. This was apparent. This new Sabrina was much more dominant, much more assertive than the real Sabrina. But she made sure that I also understood that she loved me. I remember us being in bed and me just being afraid of her and not trusting her. And she tried her best to reassure me that whoever I dealt with was a completely different person. We were going on a date and she grabbed some bags and carried them. Idk where we were going but the real Sabrina would’ve never just grabbed heavy bags. She would’ve asked if I needed help and insisted that she could help. At some point in the dream I had a realization that this new Sabrina and I might not work. She was much too stiff. I saw flashbacks of her life as well. The new Sabrina at age 4 mother had already died. When I explained to her what happened between me and the other Sabrina she insisted that the old Sabrina was crazy and that she would never do that to me.