Date: 9/29/2016
By comatose-dreamer
I was in a music class for school, for some reason I knew I missed a lot of class sessions and I was worried about my grade. I was then driving on a super tall freeway over a body of water to get home and suddenly the cars stop and a massive wave of water rises up on the right side of the road and crashes down on the buildings and I look to the left side where it looks like mountains in front of my house and giant waves of water are flowing down them. More giant WAves of water crash through the freeway in front and behind me so I get out of my car and have 5 other ppl follow me to the side of the freeway that's above the body of water so we all jump off of it because there was no other way to get off of it. This lady had a leash looking rope and was helping a father and daughter lower them down a little bit so the fall wouldn't be so high. They unhook themselves and fall into the water. I stare at the water, trying to find a way to fall into water without hurting myself and then I woke up.