Date: 10/7/2019
By natassja666
In my dream I was walking with my boyfriend Braden on the busiest street in our town, Main Street. We were walking over the bridge by the mall and it was extremely windy. Suddenly I had no pants or underwear on. I was trying to pull my shirt down to cover me but it wouldn’t stay. Every single car that was passing me was seeing my bare butt and likely my vagina to. I was mortified. These two guys pulled over and offered to drive us home and give me something to wear. Apparently one of them knew who I was, and he kept staring at me like he thought I was extremely hot or something. We were driving and suddenly this girl I know Izzy was in the backseat with us to. For some reason I had to sit on her lap, and I felt really awkward about it where I wasn’t wearing panties. The men sent back a little notebook and told us to write some song recommendations inside of it. I went first and tried to write journey (A band I literally never ever listen to) the passed it to Izzy. She gave me the dirtiest look and said “you spelled it completely wrong” I looked over and saw I had written journee lmao. I was so confused and embarrassed and since Izzy is sort of a music snob I knew she was totally judging me for writing down some cliche dad rock. I asked if we could switch places so I could go sit on my boyfriends lap instead. The guy in the passenger seat (the one who apparently knew me and had stared at me so intensely) looked back at me and looked hurt? Angry? Like he was judging me? I couldn’t really read his face, but it looked intense lol. I was like “I didn’t see him all weekend because he was working the tattoo expo. I just missed him so much. I’m not usually quite this clingy”