My sister fainted and evil force out to kill us

Date: 10/21/2019

By pinkstar16121

I woke up at 6 am but then fell asleep again and had more dreams. My sister had joined this class and when she got home, I saw she had fainted on the front porch. I was really freaked out, and I think 911 was called, but I don't know if anyone came. She then fainted like two more times, and I tried waking her up. I remember she was wearing brown. I couldn't get her to wake up, and it was freaking me out. Then, the next time, I looked out my window to try to see if she was lying on the porch, but I couldn't see. I went outside and saw she was leaned against the railing. She was slightly conscious then, and I was able to fully wake her up. I got her in the house and onto the couch. I wanted to call 911, but like a typical introvert I had to plan what I was going to say first. Our dad who wasn't our dad and who I just called my sister's dad as if we were half sisters, but we're full sisters, was there. The living room looked like it did when I was a kid with the old couches and set up. I asked my sister how many times she'd fainted. She groggily mumbled as she thought "umm..." I thought she would say four times. "Six." I don't know if she said that or the guy who was our/her dad. I was very concerned. I found out more, that in the class she had been using something called air gas, and I was immediately like, that explains it, although I had no confirmation. The next part: I was watching this movie, but then I stopped, and then this girl got really freaked out and yelled "bee!" I thought she actually saw a bee, but it was the movie with this giant bee character. I got freaked out too, but couldn't stop watching like I was hypnotized. I also vaguely remember these cupcakes or some kind of pastry and maybe my half sister being there. The next part I remember more clearly is this pullout couch they my sister lay on. I lie next to her, but then I let her have it to herself. Our black and white cat was curled up next to her. My mom was there talking to her, but I don't remember what they were saying. The last parts I remember are there was this evil force after me and some other people. We had to keep it a secret though. The message from the evil force came through this giant chocolate bar. We broke off a piece. It had some sort of gooey chocolate inside. We held up the piece of chocolate to our ear like a phone and heard the message, just pretending we were talking on the phone, meanwhile the voice said something about how it's coming for us. I remember distinctly it said "it will be a very slow and painful death." I think the full moon in Pisces is responsible for this weird dream. The last part I remember is being in my room and getting a call on my cell phone, and the caller ID had a name of someone I went to high school with who was a grade above me. I ignored the call, knowing she was just trying to sell me something.