I had a dream I had to fight off a lion and one of my nephew was with me and it was crazy overall
I had a dream like he dm me and I went to Lammas we just hung out and party and we ended up doing stuff
Me and this this guy name Joey he’s from YouTube we were fishing and his pole started going in the water I grabbed it and I fell in and I came up scream...
We woke up and then zombie so we started barricading our house and we had my family so we would send people to look for stuff to eat and then they came ...
So I was at this army base and there was there lots of people and the was another army like 200 yards away and and just a guy one we have men girls and ...
I worked at this daycare and we were having a party and this little girl loved me and her mom and dad came and then my mom cane to see me and stuff and ...