I'm sat there with my girlfriend. Like everyday it feels like were growing more and more apart. She leaves the room and re enters with somebody of the...
I was sat there. In a coffee shop as an old flame walks passed. Now this isn't an ordinary old flame, for contextual reasons, she was the one I complete...
My girlfriend had come back from university for the weekend. Typical, she was working. This led to not really seeing each other much and catching up on ...
I was in a kitchen, my girlfriend walks in erotically dressed in the most revealing things. All whilst I'm sat with people who are clearly of some signi...
I was working. My boss gave me a project to complete that was long overdue. I was reeling out drawing after drawing; normally he checks them to make sur...
We was all walking through a wooded area. Me, my partner, brother in law and parents in law. My brother in law laid on the floor next to these wild mush...
I watched myself for hours. Doing everyday chores, such things like washing and cleaning. But the majority of the time I watched myself smoking. Just a ...
It started with arguing with my sibling. Pretty much an everyday occurrence; the nearest thing to us was an apparatus. So as I chased him he climbed it,...