Disturbing dream where Viktor saw no problems in “training” a friend of his for some kind of creepy act. We were fighting about it as usual before he pu...
Setting: Japan Highschool It was an adventure type dream that had a bit of a mythical side to it. It followed a few 3rd years, 2nd years and a transfer...
Just another day in a quirk filled world. Being more of a gamer I spend a lot of time playing Pokémon than practicing my quirk. Calm brings the storm an...
The en of the world seemed closer than before. Power started failing worldwide causing everyone and everything to stop working. There weren’t even any w...
I was at my dads house for some reason. It was him, my mom and a good amount of my high-school classmates. I can’t really remember the details but I was...
Being cursed by a demon for weeks, every night was a different survival game. If I hurt myself I’d feel pain when I woke up but if I broke any bones not...
Mom and I seemed to have horrible communication about future college classes and I was at the point I just couldn’t care anymore. Side dream of suddenl...
First I was at school. I got into an argument with my classmates because they thought I was like deathly ill or contagious. Even simple used tissues fre...