Dreamt that I played an integral role in the formation of fall out boy by introducing Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz to one another
Had a dream that I was in university, made friends with this weird kid, was in a math class and realized I forgot literally everything I learned in high...
It was like a weird episode of national geographic and a German scientist was explaining the discovery of a fish that produced cheese and it's mouth was...
Don't remember much from this one but there was a block party or something and a bunch of my 7th grade teachers were there and they were really excited ...
In my dream my girlfriend met my boss but she was high on mushrooms, when she introduced herself she said "hi I'm shrooms" and I had to correct her and ...
Had a dream last night that I still worked at Swiss chalet, which I haven't in 3 years. I had a normal shift and in my dream I had acknowledged that I f...