I had a friend keep reminding me to pack. It was time to go and I still hadn't packed anything but I got lucky and they said we had a couple hours to sp...
A small group of people my age walked into my house without warning and scared me but somehow knew my roommate. I ran downstairs and tried to lock mysel...
Driving around in the winter time very late and stopped my car when I saw a paper on the ground of someone's yard. I parked my car got out to return it....
I kept going traveling inside this portal under a desk that took me to a hallway with a ton of different doors. I would open a door but it would just le...
Only thing I remember is a friend saying we need to find a way to get him back to his ship and get me back to the doctors chair.
I was in a pet store in the all fish section and inside the tanks were fish like normal but there was one fish swimming outside the tanks in the air and...
Friend was writing weird words and languages on a wardrobe which I found out later to be a portal to somewhere she wanted to take me (seemed evil). Esca...
Friend dropped phone in a lazy river and I jumped in to get it. As I was about to get out I noticed a lifeguard jump in and grab a kid and say "You litt...