Coffee with dad and grandpa I'm at a store after getting into a fight with Sarah and there is a dream journal that has my past notes in it about getting...
I'm running down 9th street in Fargo and pass by Ashley. Then I come down 32nd listening to Leo Islo'a Blame and pass John and Michael Russell. We all g...
I'm walking through Dinkytown with my bike and I go into Target. The employees are extremely rude to me and say they are going to jump it. I try to conn...
I'm trying the Camry but it's a moped and I hit a porcelain fountain. I go back and put the tub by the table and see a woman cleaning her kitchen whose ...
At a resort type thing with a mix of family and rich people. I'm in bed with Kira Larson. Then I play this weird war like game and try to take out every...
At tanners with Abby Scapaski and Abby Hebler. We are smoking weed talking. I accidentally message Abby on Twitter at some point BC is wondering about F...
I hung out with Eminem and Shaq. Eminem got a meal on a tray from a fan and I took part of it.
Panthers vs Steelers game Caleb and Gabe at halftime Snake while waiting in line
At north and I'm swimming to knock down these blocks In the cafeteria with MSID Thailand group and we put on vests to play a game. Tianna and Katie Hoff...
My locker is next to this extremely intelligent lad who can pick locks and knows what's in my backpack. In this dream I am a killer who went on a cod li...
Working at a restaurant where everyone is wearing rhombus shirts but I have a Wurst beer hall shirt on. Summer Hayes is there Playing Xbox with another ...
In some sort of competition and a dude dives off a bridge into an iced river. I wait for the sound of him hitting it but he turns out okay I'm going on ...
Sex with Marissa
Dad is moving me out of my place and is upset about how long it took. But it's not Tim
Giving Rhombus employees a ride home in a van. Had a hard time getting around kid traffic
In a hotel somewhere new and we are searching for room. Go from suite to suite but most of the rooms are taken. Fez and I find one
Tj's house and his dad Nap in Thomas' car Bball game and halftime shop/show
I am supposed to hang out with Lindsey tonight but I get really bad texting after her encounter with Chloe. She says," maybe for the sake of us..." Thom...
I'm at the Dentist's office but it's for my sustainability final. After spending what feels like hours there, I find out there is no final. On my walk h...
Party bus with Brittany Williams, Moe, Hunter Slemmons, Kallin. Serving people drinks, I'm attracted to Brittany and then there is very few people on th...
I'm on an elevator and this guy with a limp shriveled hand is looking at me weird. I say I'm going to 5th floor and he says he is in a hurry to get to t...
Playing basketball at the Fargo North High Fitness center with Taylor, Charlie, schnabel, Waha. and Brady Syverson. Laura Reynolds comes down then we ar...
Glen is following me around and it seems like he's into me. We talk about all the smart kids at the U and I tell him he is very intelligent. It is stran...
I'm with Connor, and others and we are trapped in a building by cops. I am going to get my first minor and hide out in a bathroom. At the very end I kno...
I'm on Michigan State Campus to get the rest of some weight equipment purchased. Ellie Roche says that Emily Burnett has it and so I pay $10 for the fre...
Liz Carlson is at my apartment in Minneapolis. We are watching a movie when a landlord comes and notices we are holding hands. The next scene I'm lying ...
In an apartment with dad, andie, Theo, and some old ladies. My dad is calling me from across the apartment building wondering when I wanted to go on an ...
I'm in a wood shop watching this man almost get killed. At a pool with a class but the water has been replaced with a trampolines. My legs are so tired...
I'm in the Floco courtyard and I took acid 30 minutes prior. I hear some commotion and music and Sufjan Stevens is giving a show right there! I lay ther...
I'm at Dairy Queen and Adrian Miller, Jeff Olin, and Nauth come in. I say sup and refill my ice cream cone. I go up to the counter with them and the cas...
I'm living in a Native American area with Sanoaha and she introduces me to her grandma but her elder doesn't believe so am white. The other white man I...
I'm in a house watching tv with andie, and two other people. I get the weird feeling they called the cops on me and I had this real fear of being in jai...
I'm at a hospital talking about climate change and how if affects those living in the country
I'm in Aidens house and we are up in his attic. His house is so nice and he tells me, "I'm really going to miss you man. You're a source of positive ene...