I Had a dream that I was in school taking a test and my english teacher kept calling my name and every time I looked up he was nowhere to be seen. I con...
Had a dream that I was in the girls bathroom in school and out of nowhere Hampton Brandon stormed in and started screaming at me. He accused me of getti...
I was sleeping over at my bestfriend’s house and she fell asleep early, but I wasn’t tired yet so I went downstairs to watch some TV. Her dad was alread...
I was in my dorm room with my roommate studying when the building started to shake. We didn’t think anything of it, but then it started to shake even ha...
It was my birthday so I was going shopping for some new shoes. I tried on some black heels and they looked nice so I told the man I wanted them so he we...
I was making lots of money from singing and acting. I was able to buy my mom her dream house and buy lots of stuff for my siblings and for my dad. It ma...
I was living with some girl named Alex from big brother and she had an ex that she believed was dangerous so we went looking for him everywhere we final...