I. Woke up with the song "take me away to another day. I got a Pocket, a pocket full of sunshine. I was somewhere with a. Bunch of naked people and ...
I had a dream one morning and I could actually feel someones breath whispering in my ear " -----it's 7:15 are you going to get up" I couldn't move and a...
I don't remember what my dreams were about last night but I do remember hearing myself cry on two different occasions. And this morning right before I w...
I had a dream that my grandmother was getting rid of all of her stuff because my granddad had passed away her house was very different there was a big g...
I seem to wake up around the same time each time I dream....but this was different it was like I started dreaming and I could feel myself breathing. A ...
I've had a few dreams since I last posted but haven't written them down. Tonight's dream leads me to waking up in a panic on a sat morning at 5:30. I we...
I had a very good sleep last night and my dream consisted of my 2 kids playing Pokemon. Hey we're arguing over who thru who's Pokemon cards away. Then...
My son talked the entire time in my dream and would not stop.
I heard back bro my boss from an email I had sent asking for a letter of recommendation from a few wks. Ago. Here comes a crazy dream! Me going back t...
I just woke up breathing heavily in a panic and crying with tears no sounds. I had just gotten fired from my job of 9 years. I was at my desk and a new ...