Flying by helicopter over a university called Pacific University, I see a sign that says "Stop bombing us. We're a school!" I look closer to see a tank...
I was driving to work and mistaking my drove a couple exits too far on the freeway. I exit to find I'm somewhere in Monterey Bay. I have a difficult tim...
Left early from work to go snowboarding. Coworkers seemed slightly disappointed. Just as the plane is going to leave, my mom shows up and says she needs...
Female neighbor having a barbecue on the patio. I can't see her face. My roommate has random friends come over. I can see their faces but don't recogniz...
I got to work and the entire office was changed. I was put with a new group of people that liked to talk and gossip.
I don't remember the details super clearly. I opened a box and within was a Masterball when I was apparently expecting a regular pokeball.
An annoying cockroach alluding my killing it. It escaped and I found a beetle stealing my Best Buy clothing tag.
I was driving past Downtown LA when I notice the US Bank building (tallest building) exploding on one of the top floors.
A friend and I were driving down the 10W when I notice orange smoke trails in the sky. I think they are asteroids burning up in the atmosphere but it so...