so this morning I had a dream I was in a house visiting with misha. I think it was geneviève house. but joel was also there. I was looking for a way to ...
budding romance over day and weeks. slowly just getting to know and enjoy each other. he put his arm around my shoulder before we go out cycling togeth...
I won lotto. I never gamble. but won 90 thousands on loot to ticket.wanted to keep it secret. I only told eric 50k $ and family 0$
Dr house
no dream in particular
I had a home invasion dream. was stabbed in the abdomen. tried to stop the bleeding and get help. I did watch the walking dead before and held convo ...
.was traveling in a hotel and got some tickets to go to special spa. was like a pool, the pool was pink rock with a kind of slide. on the top you could ...
I was on a trip. somewhere very far but I only had 2 days. I think I was in a class or group. went of course with one for shopping. had trouble getting...