It was nighttime and I was supposed to fly to Puerto Rico but I had to go back to get my Xanax for the plane. The scene changed and this guy from work t...
Woke up at my grandmas house years ago but was late for work. I woke up exactly at 3:00pm. Everything was surrounded by a yellow to white light. I also ...
I was in a hotel room and about to get into the bed when I felt like I should check the bed first. I pulled back the covers and found a few bed bugs but...
All I can really remember is a centipede biting my shoulder.
I was meeting new people and my girlfriend introduced me to them as her fiancé. I felt shocked and I remember thinking in my dream lets not question it....
I was standing on something and watching a whale swim up and turn in the water. The sky was a gradient from pink to bark blue. I wasn't sure where I was...
I was sitting on my knees holding and petting white rabbits. The room was bright. I felt happy, calm and excited.