Well I had a dream where I was back at school and had a sore throat well im in mrs Gibson’s class and I realize I’m dreaming I stay in the dream past th...
So this dream started off and I was in a science classroom and mr.mackey from south park was the teacher well brooks looks over at me and calls me a rac...
Ok well I was having a dream where me and my friend where playing this warthunder esc game and he was in a massive yellow tri-plane and I ended up shoot...
I had a dream where me and my family where at what seemed to be a large storage container looking for a specific metal part and we just had to go around...
I had a dream where for some reason I went about a year back in time and was talking to this black guy I don’t even know about how the solving of some c...
had a dream where some sort of apocalypse happened and I came back where I used to live and started doing weird things like found a food cash in a mount...
Well I had this dream where me and this guy where in the army what seemed to be a boggy place out in rural Europe well we come a cross a a bank and a ci...
Got a blowjob
I had a dream where spiderman was in a multi level quake like arena and he was going around everywhere knowckjng our these guys shooting fast orbs at hi...
I had a dream where I was at a mall and I pretty much went around eating ludicrous amounts of fried foods to the point when I woke up I felt sick in rea...
I had a dream where I was out at a park and their were these large plastic pillars and me and my family preceded shoot them down then their was I side s...
I had a dream where jus pretty much a massive kingdom was being passed down to my kingdom from” emperor palpatine “ but he looked nothing like the one f...
I had a dream with my friends where we were out in the woods and it was like we where in a game because we had menus where we could customize ourselves ...
I had a dream where I was watching old vacation footage with my parents and one of then they were out in the open on each chairs with their view obscur...
Within the same night I also had a dream about a victory royal scenario where it was the normal everyone is your enemy and you fight until you reach the...
Sonic this dream me and my friend Hayden where are a place that looked like school but wasn’t and we kept walking around the place eating and talking an...
So imbalance in a hotel and I had the dream that in the bed next to me there are assembly line robots over looking it like they are about to operate on ...
I also had another dream the same night as the school one where my friend Austin picked me up and we where driving places and for some reason he says he...
I had a dream where I’m at school but I’m in the hallway waiting for class end with most of the class across the Hall is a teacher named miss blacks roo...
Alright so I had a dream where me and my friend Hayden where in a battle royal game and where having to fight it out to the end in duos but every so oft...
In this dream I dreamt I was with a bunch of soldiers and we were in a arena esc area engaged in brutal combats with the enemy while artillery was comin...
I had a pretty shirt dream that was about getting money and I presume from the dream it was to buy land and make my own midievil country but the dream w...
I had a dream that I was watching a video of slimecicle the YouTuber playing doom eternal set in a very Gordy medieval Japan like place. Along with that...
I don’t remember much of this dream but the main then that I remember happening is that their were war lords fighting for land and after going back to s...
I had a dream where me and my family where discussing going to Roosevelt state part
I had a dream where I was in a 1800’s place and I was doing something with trading because their were 3 routed and what I was trying to do seemed to be...
Their was a weird wii sport thing where if people go through you you get aids
I had a dream where there was this ball that was white that’s was supposed to be you on a 2 d surface and their where other red balls their and everyon...
I had this dream where I think I was in an art class and we where talking about things like how how it’s worse to did birth America soft soil than Austr...
I had this dream where I was already in college and living in the adjusting to living in the dorms when a secondary dream came up where this person want...
I had this dream where I guess I lost a pig for a while” I don’t own any pigs” and found him and he was skinny, like his skin had gotten pretty lose and...
Ok well I went duck hunting and fell asleep in the field and while I was asleep I dreamt I was following my friend Hayden with sunglasses on and went in...
In this dream for some some reason it was about how football and baseball have differed throughout the years like with segregation and all of this was h...
Ok well I had a dream and it started off with narration talking about how jack from the titanic had died in other movies and was part of some weird time...
So I had this dream where me dress got together with a bunch of people and decided to take over the world well he did some things in France that I do t...
Ok I jams this dream last night where for some reason I was in the world of Star Wars and me a bunch of other people and a person who looked like prince...
Well I had this dream where I was going from class to class looking for my first block witch was government and ended up going to a weird sequence where...
I had this dream where we were moving me around in a wartime scenario and a friend that was with me was mad because allies wanted us dead
I barely remember this dream but I remover being hardscoping on the ground like in rainbow six siege andantes shot onto a bed that was in a room with al...
I dreamed me and Hayden were playing war thunder and it was kind of dark like it was the afternoon and a tiger tank comes up and we kill it
I had a dream where me and this girl I don’t know with blond hair where in class and had to do a project that involved filming and the only thing I reme...
What happens was in this dream I dreamt that I was was in an upstairs room with a computer monitor and a wi u being charged next to it and playing a gam...
I had a dream me and my friends were leading army’s like we do in hearts of iron except we where all at a war table and I distinctly remember asking one...
I had a dream that started out with me being in a vr game where you had to draw stuff and I’m a bad drawer but I didn’t matter because no one cared so I...
I had this dream where I was in a crowded air shelter and my friends Hayden Williams And Madiline Barzack were there and it was very quit but everyone w...
Ok I had this weird dream where I was at school but it didn’t look like the normal school( something was off) well while I was at this school we were go...
I had this weird dream where I was at a this house that was on the water and that house had a secret door and a area where you fight lions in it but dur...
Well I was in what seemed to be the dragon ball universe and they were all fighting something and then after goku jumps around and fucks up a tree and i...
I was one what seemed to be a starship and opened a large tooth compartment and it was filled with red hots and angst all reason I just ate them then sp...