Blurry dream, I was a cat at one point and woke up then a dog and woke up. Then I think a human but forgot what happened.
I was in a grocery store I didn't recognize and was sitting and eating at the deli part. The end.
I live in Calgary and was looking for the stampede. I was riding trains tirelessly, but there was always something wrong with them. So packed that I cou...
Me and someone I cared about very much were running away from a bad person. Not sure who they were that part was a blur. Most of the dream was spent run...
I was in my room, I went to the hall and my mom's light was on in her room when I was supposed to be home alone, which made me annoyed. Next thing I kno...
I was in a restaurant eating and suddenly I turned into the waitress. I took a girl's order and tried to put it into the computer but struggled. As soon...
All I remember was my mom was laughing loudly on the phone in the living room and I was in my room. This didn't make sense because she was supposed to b...
I was having a "party" in my apartment and went downstairs for something and was looking out the window. A large sheriff man took me by the head and sai...
I kept painting and touching up my nails pink with gold on top trying to get them perfect and not letting anyone touch them. The dream reminded me of th...
I somehow ended up in a sorbet store in the mall where my ex friend worked with my boyfriend. She was getting him lemon sorbet and it made me mad so I l...
There were black bugs on my white table and I was so frustrated and tried wiping them all away with my boyfriend's white shirt but I got too sad and wok...
I went swimming with what seemed like everyone I ever knew. It was way to crammed for everyone to fit. People from work- Sydney, Cassie, (whose ID i too...
I was at a restaurant by the beach with my boyfriend and I kept ordering Caesar salad with no bacon and more food over and over. My stomach was never en...
I had just given birth but don't remember it. There was a blonde baby in my arms just in my living room. I was frustrated because I didn't know what to ...
I was at my old junior high school with 2 junior high friends and a baby which the girl was holding on her shoulders. We were walking from there to down...
I am supposedly awake right now. I just wanted to make a public announcement that being drunk/ tipsy makes life feel like a dream. (I'm in school)
I took the bus to Chinook Mall. I went to a department store and tried to buy my own jacket. The payment didn't work, the girl smiled, said sorry and ga...