was in this big house there was 1 huge TV and 1 moniter. then when I went outside everything was dessert and someone told me not to go there or else so ...
there was these huge cylinders with round edges at the ends they kept chasing me and trying to kill me but when I woke up I could still we it happen in ...
this dream was a long time ago. I was at a play ground made out of wood there was a robot version of me and had a knife it was chasing me down everyone...
I don't remember now no got here but I was in a huge pool there were 2 of them it was in a weird shape I kept awimming back and forth I met this boy the...
this is a weird dream I kept having every day. it was just this big pencil drawing a line Idk why I had this but I did.
I was in my bed sleeping in the city and no house just a bed there was a wreaking ball truck and 2 people inside a guy and his son. his son came down an...