I had a dream a pigeon flew into my room and I tried to SMASH it to death in the window by closing it. the pigeon flew in my room and it started eating ...
i went to university and there were public showers for some reason and they were filthy and always used and i couldn't wear makeup because my friend ate it
just had a dream a brush was threw in my face and i flinched so hard i woke up. it threw itself. it was spinning.
Accidentally got off the wrong train stop and ended up in a station called 'Chan'. What is Chan???? Where is it???? WHY CALL A PLACE CHAN????
Literally just reorganised my room in halloween. It was pretty boring.
Lost my phone in a bathtub, then i was like 'ohhhshit' so I went to school and blamed it on a teacher and my mom argued with them thinking they stole it...
Was in court and wearing one of those cages Victorian women wore under their dresses wHEN SOMEONE PICKED ME UP BY THE CAGE WHO DOES THAT
I decided to become a drag queen and demand my parents make me new bedroom furniture.
Britney Spears asked to get matching tattoos. I declined for some reason