Date: 8/4/2018
By spitefules
So much happened I can’t remember it all but the earliest parts but I remember setting was originally at this castle, (while typing I realized earliest was actually a compilation of me thinking of deaths? Majority of them didn’t happen but I remember they were all in riddle form. So I was it like a movie. There was a lady that insisted on moving in but she wasn’t allowed so she gave this warning that an old man was going to kill you and two sets of numbers it is later revealed after she goes to the old guys part of the house building and drinks coffee that the numbers represent a poison and the dudes house number so she thinks she’s poisoned so while she left she got like a vocal conversation mentally from the old guy that he didn’t actually poison her but that she should run away faking death to be safe)probably my version of hogwarts. So there’s this dragon involved but he was shrunken so I’m assuming he was mine and that I had it set to destroy the castle so I was being sent away as punishment. I get there and they plan on a road trip of some sorts and I’m cramped with some people behind seats. That we study for 30 min and then get more space. One stop was at this gas station and I asked to go to the restroom they showed me and that’s were it was connected to some hospital and they gave me directions and this is the part where it became a school instead skdsds so I’m dressed up in a uniform like theirs to hide and use the restroom. Then I run into this 6th grader who thinks I’m a regular ole student where I go in a room somehow with people who I somehow knew one person of. We talk for some and I see though the window the car and some people waiting for me so I leave quickly go back in the room to give my number and go to the car. I go back in ask angel to give me some room, which he does and the people driving rest?) spawned and then I’m lazy so basically it ends with ROBLOX version of zombies cause they were stupid