Yesterday My sister and I were talking about car crashes because of a speaker that went to my school (teens in the driving seat). Well anyways I’m sure ...
I’m too lazy to type but basically there were these two guys Who showed interest in me so I ran back to my moms house and I remember I was pretty scared...
So it’s probably my favorite dream tbh. I lived the whole thing through this other guys perspective and it was that he’s in this community in like space...
So basically we were gonna plane to Cali and I’m there in the plane 5 min before it launches and go OH I decide it’s great to use the bathroom OUTSIDE t...
So much happened I can’t remember it all but the earliest parts but I remember setting was originally at this castle, (while typing I realized earliest ...
I just remember in this dream when Dante called me he would somehow manage to cuddle me through the phone and it was fun or whatever. I also remember id...
Okay so I think it started off with me playing ROBLOX. The weird thing is that somebody from the game I was playing targeted me for some reason and I kn...
I’m lazy hehe So basically I watch things from Andi Mack’s POV long story short she’s bullied so that cute boy in her show friends her and they go to t...