Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Al is whisking eggs in the kitchen of a small white house, wearing a frilly apron, with the morning light streaming through the window behind him.

Of Course it Involves Him Cheating. But I also got to Live on a School Bus, so... Ups & Downs I Suppose.

Date: 3/18/2019

By blucanary

~I was being seated at a restaraunt with my s.o, Al, and my son Reece was with us (he's abt 5 in the dream). As we're walking to our table a woman seated at another table says hello to Al. He politely says hello back and thats all (she has curly blonde hair to her shoulders, wearing a long blue flowered dress. Not someone he wd be attracted to irl at all). We sit down, have our meal and go to leave. The woman is still there. This time she says, "Bye Al! I had a really good time at dinner with you, thank you!" I dont make a scene and leave quietly, holding my sons hand. But as soon as we get outside I VERY ANGRILY say, "WTF WAS THAT?!" He says, "Calm down. I didnt have dinner with her TONIGHT. It was the last three nights". As he says this last part he kinda laughs just a little and runs away from me (so I cant slap him on his arm, which I wd have done. But seeing as how he's a 250 lb man and Im a 130 lb wimpy@$$ of a woman, he cd have taken it!!! ) Anyway, Im pissed. He goes on to "explain" that Fridays are free at some club (a strip club is what Im thinking it is) and sometimes a man needs a little something "new". I am now more pissed than ever! I grab a rock from the gravel ground but he beat to it and starts throwing rocks at me instead. I tell him to drive me home and then leave. We were done. He of course turned this whole thing around and got mad AT ME! As we were walking up to our car (HIS car), I grab a handful of rocks and run up to the driver side window to smash it in. As soon as I reach the window though I see inside the dark tint and see that it's not our car, it's actually a black undercover cop car that looked just like ours. I immediately drop the rocks and start laughing at my relief that there was no cop inside the vehicle (although I hadnt ACTUALLY commited any crime so I cdnt really be in any trouble). I looked towards Al while laughing, but he's not laughing with me. Which makes me even more angry. "IT WAS FUNNY! GET OVER YOURSELF AND LAUGH!" ~Next thing I know I'm in a seat of a school bus but it has pillows and blankets. Im lying down sleeping. The bus has been SLIGHTLY converted to a home, as in it has pillows and blankets, but its still basically just a school bus we're living in! I wake up and Al is gone. He left to buy more alcohol, but he shd have been back by now. It's so dark out. The sky is so black. I can see the moon shining large and yellow. I see a long clawed shadow of a hand in the moonlight. I try to tell myself that it was just shadows of tree branches or something, but then I see it again. It is no tree branch. I'm frightened and I call Al. I see things from his point of view for the duration of the short phone call. He answers his phone. I ask where he is, why he's taking so long. He says he got distracted just driving and listening to music. He's driving along the beach, but says he'll turn around now and head home. I dont tell him abt the clawed shadow. I think to myself that that clawed monster surely must be gone by now, we had driven at least ten minutes or so since seeing it (yes, apparently I live on a MAGIC school bus that drives itself in the middle of the night and Al always knows where to find it when he leaves and returns. Try not be jealous. Not everyone can be so lucky!) But then I think "Unless it jumped onto the roof of the bus and has been with me the entire time. He was close enough to have done that!" My fear returns with this thought. ~I am awaking again. This time in a little shack of a house, in a white bed. I open my eyes and step out of bed. I follow the sounds I hear into the kitchen. Al is there making us eggs for breakfast. All 250 lbs of him is standing in the kitchen, wearing a frilly apron and whisking eggs. I hug him from behind and tell him I had this horrible dream abt him cheating on me with another women. He comments how terrible that is, and that is when I wake up for real.

AI generated interpretation This dream seems to reflect some deep-seated fears and insecurities in your relationship with your significant other, Al. The theme of him cheating on you appears to be a manifestation of your fear of betrayal and abandonment. The presence of your son Reece in the dream could symbolize your concerns about the impact any infidelity or betrayal could have on your family unit. The restaurant scene with the woman approaching Al and claiming to have had dinner with him suggests feelings of jealousy and suspicion. The fact that Al laughs about his actions and tries to turn the blame on you could indicate a lack of understanding or empathy on his part in the dream, reflecting a fear that he may not take your feelings seriously in real life. The confrontation with Al, where he throws rocks at you, could represent feelings of anger and powerlessness in the face of a betrayal. The sudden realization that the car you intended to vandalize was actually a police car could symbolize a fear of consequences or a realization that your actions in response to the betrayal could have unintended consequences. The transition to living on a school bus could symbolize feelings of instability or impermanence in your relationship. The appearance of the menacing clawed shadow and the fear it evokes could symbolize your underlying fears and anxieties about the unknown and potential dangers in your relationship. Finally, the scene in the shack with Al cooking breakfast symbolizes a desire for reconciliation and a return to a sense of normalcy and security in the relationship. Your dream may be prompting you to address any underlying insecurities or concerns in your relationship with Al and to communicate openly about your fears and needs. Overall, this dream appears to reflect deep-seated fears and insecurities about trust, communication, and stability in your relationship with your significant other, as well as a desire for reassurance and connection. It may be helpful to explore these feelings further and consider how they may be impacting your waking life relationship dynamics.