I was hanging out at the apartment complex I lived in. My husband, Al, invited his friend Chris over. Chris & Al had been begging me to take a showe...
The night before my wedding, I picked up a lasagna from a deli to feed my wedding party that night. When they handed it to me, it was cold and burnt....
This kid from the 1950's dropped out of school to become a horror movie special effects guy. A young teacher (not much older than himself) was giving...
I was in a new town. While sitting at a mall cafe, I look to the right of me and up, and I see this Asian man in a black leather jacket with black s...
Al and I were living in our Nissan Rogue, due to hurricane Helene destroying our home. Without any set place to live, we were just driving around the...
It starts off with me hanging out with my ex, whom i like to call Dickarias. For short, we'll call him Dick. Dick and I were laying in bed together (...
I was babysitting Angelina Jolie's two year old son. He's only wearing a diaper, and he's absolutely adorable! I'm sitting on the concrete floor in a ...
I don't remember the whole dream, just parts... I was trying to get out the front door, but the cats and a gray chunky little gerbil/hamster or mous...
If anyone is reading this and doesn't know who Aiden Fucci is, I left an explanation in the "notes". So in my dream, Aiden is still only 14. Though ...
This is the second dream of Aiden Fucci I've had. I didnt even record the first one bc I was so ashamed of having it. In the first one I was trapped...
The dream centers around a group of young adults, the *main* character in the dream the beautiful blonde. She's young, as they all are, most likely...
I was with my ex Jimothy (not his real name obv, but he sux so he gets a stupid name), but we were in the situation my husband Al and I are in now (sex-...
My mom picked me up from somewhere. Really quickly we started arguing. She gave me an attitude abt something and I wdnt take it, so I gave her an att...
My son, Reece, was only about 5 or 6 years old. I squatted down in front of him and asked if he believed in God. He pursed his lips together, squinte...
I went on a trip to New York (from Florida) to get away from some guy that was after me. My friend Dinah came with me. She was there with her cousin. Sh...
I was riding in a car. I dont know who was driving, but there was a horrific accident. I must not hv had my seat belt on, bc I went forward really hard,...
I was in a house. It was mine, but it didn't feel homey or comfortable. The entire house was a bluish gray and was dark. I needed to go to the bath...
I was with my ex, Barry ( the one who has been dead quite a few years now, yet I dream about him often ). We had been out, running errands or someth...
I was with a couple friends, one of them being the redhead from that comedy sketch show BYUtv Studio C, Natalie. There were maybe 3 others, but I d...
It was late at night, three hours after the stores had closed. Yet I stood in the dark covered forefront of a large department store, the glass dou...
A man and woman had recently moved into a new & very nice neighborhood. This good looking man, Anthony, and his wife seemed to get along with everyon...
My dream was about an absurd scary myth. Some teenage girl was being joked about because during recess/p.e. at school ( high school ), she had jump...
While on a college campus I was attending, I had received a flyer abt a job that required you to dress up as though you were in a phase of a sex cha...
I was going through the backseat of my car looking for cigarettes. A little boy abt 5 yrs old, I think he's suppose to be my son, Reece, says, "I fou...
I was in my family home (not my family home irl, but in the dream it was my family home). My little sister and my dad were both still alive, and I w...
Al and I were staying in a hotel. It was large and fairly nice. I seemed to remember that it was snowing outside, so we cdnt have been in Florida... ...
I was at my mothers house. We were hearing strange noises, trying to pinpoint where they were coming from. After searching around the house, my mom p...
There was an advertisement wanting people to travel to Mars for an experimental expedition. I told my mom that I was going to apply. I went to wherever ...
The one that got away, the love of my life, Tommy, he came back to town to visit me. We were having a great time. It was just like when we were 19/20 ag...
I was able to fly. A unique ability no one else had. I used my ability to get from place to place to murder people. Someone, on the news I believe, comm...
I was leaving France, where I had just lost some very close friends ( they died ) and going back to the states. As I was trying to get through customs, ...
I was framed for something big. Idk what, but I know I didn't do it, and I know it was huge... The cops threw me into a dungeon. The only ppl I cd ...
I was at a large house of a friend of mine ( a dream friend, not a real friend ). It was a guy, named Seth. Anyway, Seth's mother had died. But she...
I was at my new job. Had been there a couple months. Odd thing was it was in a really big, odd building. There was a high school in there, a movie th...
I was in a room with 5 or 6 other people. I was at a high, rectangular, plastic white table with 3 or 4 other ppl at the same table, painting ( or a...
I was working at a new job. I have no idea whatsoever what we did there, but it was on a large piece of land, the first floor were just rooms turned int...
I had been abducted, along with a young beautiful, well built girl w long red hair, a slim waist & large breasts (abt 15 yrs old w/ size 'D' breasts). T...
Standing in a large white room, a man enters. He looks as if Mr. Bean and Robert DeNiro had a love child with a large prosthetic nose. Not exactly the ...
I was in New York for some reason. The city was just as busy as you see in the movies. I was there with my boyfriend ( a dream bf, not Al ) & some (...
It starts off at a sort of Christian college. Really big, really nice, abt 3 stories tall, with a large rectangular middle of the roof exposed to the sk...
I was on a 3 ft ledge of a very tall building, snuggling into a blanket and settling in for a nights sleep ( hoping I didn't roll over at any time ...
The Euphrates River was drying up, just as in real life, and just as Scripture recorded would happen. And in my dream, I could see below the surface...
I was lying in bed sick. It wasn't my bed though. At this point I'm not sure where I am. The room is small and obviously at the back-end of wherever it ...
Tomas. The one who got away. The love of my life. Every last thing in my life I have screwed up. My heart will never get over screwing things up with hi...
A guy came into my mum's home for some reason ( I can't recall the reason he gave to be allowed in ).. he was looking at the kitchen. We ( my mum a...
My friend Wayne ( both of us girls ) and I took my mother to a concert she really wanted to see. We rode separately, my mother taking her Jeep, and Wayn...
I was with Jumin Han. He and I were very obviously in love. We were walking around the mall, hugging on one another and holding hands, being all lovey-d...
I was working at a grocery store, but I was still a kid. Some stuff was delivered to me and ..someone else..like a brother or something ( he had the vi...
I dreamt that spirits were telling me what happens when you commit suicide - you die and you end up in a large room.. All of your loved ones are the...
They were just children. A boy and a girl. But there was something about them. A story between them that was yearning to be told. A story of love. ...
A woman in another realm, a realm of the dead, falls in love with a man in the same realm. She has no face. Or rather, she has no skin. Her head is ...
I was at a friends house. I went to her room to grab a change of clothes. I got dressed and just as I was about done I heard a strange noise. I was ...
It's 3:30 a.m. I just woke up from a dream. Ive had quite a few dreams where Im decapitated. This was another one. I wont add all the details in ord...
-The apocalypse had occured. The world as we knew it was no more. So many buildings and other man-made things were gone; sand covered so much of at leas...
Al and I were lying in bed. Irl he and I had a particularly great day together. In the dream, however, he was in a horrible mood. He commented that ...
All over the tv and internet was news abt a young woman who had been found dead. She had been raped and brutally murdered, every single bone in her...
All over the tv and internet was news abt a young woman who had been found dead. She had been raped and brutally murdered, all bones in her body br...
I don't remember the whole dream. Just one main part. I was in a car, it seems as though it may have been a limo. There were a few other ppl in there...
It started out as a second chance at life sort of thing, but then turned into a play... I was in Paris with a couple friends, two girls. We were at ...
Ken McKee ( sometimes went by Kenny ) serial killer, killed between 30-60 ppl. Met him at a sort of camp ground or something like that.... He had a ...
~ I woke up multiple times thinking "This shite is cool, I better get up and write it down! Im gonna be so upset if I get up in the a.m and dont remem...
My dream starts off with me rolling around on the bed w/ my ex-boyfriend, Barry. He pulls me on top of him and we start having sex. I want to bend d...
I Found out a guy murdered someone w an axe. He did it in the mobile home park next door. He accidently told me, let it slip. His friend then showed ...
~This dream has no real consistency, but it was rather interesting to be a part of it nonetheless. The first part I really recall is walkin...
I was married to that overweight man from that old show 'King of Queens', Doug. We were in our nice large home early one morning ( I was still in my...
Al was driving down a congested roadway at night near the beach w/ Q and me both sitting in the back seat. Q was both older and younger in this dre...
~My dream starts off w/ me being captured by a group of guys. They drove around in these old-fashioned 50's type cars. The only one I really remember wa...
Oh my goodness I just had the CRAZIEST dream!!! I dont remember all of it, just that I had been abducted/captured & was being used for some sort of expe...
~ My dog Zombie was murdered - thrown off the 4 or 5 story apartment building we lived in w/ her leash still on - it hung her. I saw part of her leash ...
~ I was standing in a public restroom w/ my daughter, Q (no one else was there). I had to pee really bad, so I stepped into the closest stall. The stall...
~Cute young boy (I was young in the dream as well - we were around 12-ish. I was a very mature 12 though). Let's call the boy Connor. It seems like that...
~Something abt making love w a beautiful woman.. I was staying in an absolutely gorgeous hotel room. There was only one room per floor, and the elevator...
Drake Bell came up to me in a sort of big school yard or something. A bunch of ppl were there. We were all part of some sort of gang type thing. Drake f...
~ I was your everyday hopeless, homeless, greasy-haired, bean-pole thin, dirty junkie. I became pregnant and had a baby. A little girl w/ a head full of...
~An old friend of mine, Rae had come over w/ a bag of crack (no, I do not smoke crack irl, lol. I dont even smoke pot). It was suppose to be for the bot...
~Saeran (from the mobile game Mystic Messenger) was my cousin (but I was still very much in love with him). He built these transportation vehicles that ...
~My friend Liam called. Said friends of ours were worried abt me. Then said he's getting depressed too, even a bit suicidal. I told him we shd get a pla...
~Three cute girls were getting ready to go out for the night. The three standing around talking, checking out their outfits, one of them (the shy quiet ...
~I was packing all my stuff and putting it on a large boat/small ship. I was packing everything! Clocks, the old VHS player of my mums, a kayak, a small...
~The woman of the house and I were discussing the payment I wd receive if I were to babysit for her later that same morning. I looked at the clock (it w...
~ I see a man on a motorcycle. It's stationary and parked on the edge of a large hole in the ground (the hole is a well of some sort, but there isnt any...
~We're in the middle of the woods. It starts off w a toddler abt 2 or 3 yrs old wandering into my garage (in this dream I live in the woods. I hv but on...
I came home from work. Wearing a blue botton up top, black jeans and heels, I walk in and immediately notice a McDonalds bag on the glass coffee table a...
~After a night of tossing and turning I finally fall asleep probably somewhere between 4 - 5 a.m. It is now 6 am and I have just awoken from a nightmare...
~I really just remember one scene (well, technically it's 2 scenes I guess). ~Scene 1 - My ex, whom I call Dick (bc he is one) was over. (Irl we had got...
~ I worked at a sort of carnival or something of the sort. I didnt have any specific job, I think I just filled in here and there as needed. There was a...
~I had a small child. Maybe abt 5. I was walking him to someones house. The Wysongs. The wife Leah still hated me. But Ricky was still in love with me. ...
~Guy plays a show/gig...afterwards he walks backstage. Upon entering he finds a seemingly empty room, very little light, very quiet. Near the exit door ...
~Al and I were living in some weird neighborhood where half of the houses weren't even occupied. Granted, it was mostly bc these houses were just built/...
I unfortunately don't remember much of the dream except the very end. I was on my way to the clinic. When I got there, their computers were down, ...
~At a place like Disney or Universal Studios but just for ppl around my age-ish I think. Young adults to middle age. No old adults though, lol. I stoppe...
~I'll add the details later. Just putting a few basics so I remember the dream... A large hotel type place I was living/staying at? A housekeeper (an In...
~I was at my mums house w/ my daughter, Q. (She's 20, and I'm in my later 30's). A friend of hers was with her. Some girl w/ med length black hair, kind...
~This dream is really scattered and I dont really know what goes where, so I'll just write the little sections I remember in no specific order. ~I was...
~I was w/ an old friend Rae. She and I had driven around for quite a while and decided to stop for a bit. We arrived at a big patch of greenery. Like an...
~ The dream starts off nice. I'm with Saeran (I've been playing that game too much lately. Earlier I dreamt of Saeyoung, and now Saeran). We were walkin...
~ I was suppose to meet up with my boyfriend but had some time to spare, so I decided to go to the mall the next town over. My exboyfriend Barry use to ...
~I was friends with Saeyoung from my game. He was real. We were going to watch a production of some sort (it was kinda like a large high school choir/pl...