A Challenger Approaches! In My House... While I’m Trying to Shower...

Date: 11/11/2019

By Lilia

Probably showering was on my mind for some reason. This too was in third person. The floor plan was mostly the same. I have no idea why, but I was in where the restroom downstairs would have been. My mind has this strange thing it does with dreams where it makes this other restroom that doesn’t exist in my house. But I was going downstairs to this other restroom to take a shower. For some reason, inside was the interior of a McDonalds or something. I remember seeing yellow. Across the room was the shower. No sink, no toilet, just shower. And it was huge, 15-20 feet across and 10 feet wide or something. It had two shower heads, one on each side. The one on the left was dripping, and it was constant. Then suddenly, without me touching it, it turned on. Spraying in all directions from the shower head. The other one turned on too. The one on the left I could reach the head to turn it off(?), but it was broken and kept spraying water everywhere. The one on the right I didn’t bother. Then I walked out and said, “Sorry for bothering you.” to the employees and walked away. Keep in mind, I was wearing a towel. Suddenly my house was littered with random people that seem to be from my school. Walking down the hallway, people keep stopping me to talk (and not even noticing the towel, it seems). I was at the base of the stairs, and two boys that I often talk to in my journalism class, Logan and Tyler, stopped me. One of them grabbed my arm (this happened irl too) and started talking. None of the conversations had any dialogue that I could remember. He eventually let go and I started to walk upstairs. Then Cami, a girl on all of my classes doesn’t stop me, just watches as I walk upstairs. Her supposed little sister (don’t even know if she has one on real life) watches me from around the corner- looks a lot like my friend’s four year old sister. She keeps coming up close to me and walking back down when I turn and make eye contact. Now this made me very uncomfortable considering I was wearing just a towel. I made it upstairs and walked straight instead of left to where the mother-in-law apartment would have been. This area was replaced by the laundry room that I walked into, but the point of view didn’t go in. My step mom was sitting just outside on the floor reading a book. While still sitting there, she knocked and asked me to come out and why I was using the shower downstairs. Now I don’t know the actual answer to this, but something along the lines of “I just felt like it.” This could have been less weird if my mind had just decided to let my use my own shower that’s right next to my actual room that works.