Once again, third person perspective. I do not really remember much at all, but I was helping my friend set up their alarm clock, which was just like mi...
So last night I was watching a movie, it raining rather hard and the power started to flicker. The stereo ended up switching inputs or something, I don’...
Island Escape [3rd person, no dialogue] So me and this group of 10-15ish people were somehow trapped on small-ish tropical island. There were lots...
THIS IS VERY LONG [Not in dream] So the new Animal Crossing Game called Animal Crossing New Horizons was released recently, and I guess I had my old 3D...
Rather strange considering my Nook is dead and I hardly use it. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, a Nook is essentially a tablet mad...
Probably showering was on my mind for some reason. This too was in third person. The floor plan was mostly the same. I have no idea why, but I was in wh...
I had a dream that I couldn’t turn off my alarm on my phone with my watch, Apple supposedly took that away. When I woke up, I didn’t even have my watch on.
Three dreams in one night. Done remember much about them other than the first two were long. 1. Something that had to do with swimming in a stream and ...
For starters, I probably won’t get all of the details down because it was really long, so I’m sorry if I miss some stuff. So I was hiking with my dad o...
It was a school kind of like mine, but different in some ways. I don’t quite remember how though. So I was in my journalism class, at least it looked li...
Had I dream I lost one of my teeth. That was it. Nothing else.
So, I was in a strange log cabin-style mansion for some reason, and had to hide from this group of people. Everyone else was too. The group was killing ...
I had a dream I bought a bunch of stuff on Amazon and didn’t have enough money for it. Also, before bed I guess I was thinking of my cats, so I got a c...
I was at a museum-like place in a different state for a “Field Trip.” I carry my phone and other items in my purse, and in the dream (more like nightmar...
Very short dream, again, earlier today. I walked downstairs (in dream) looked outside our front door, and saw snow. I said to my dad something along the...
I dreamt this in the morning, so I don’t remember it as well, but it’s basically the same. I was in a dark room, or rather, not even a room. It was comp...