“I Want Some Fucking Wine!” 🍷

Date: 4/15/2020

By amandalyle

My whole town was brought to a standstill because Harry and Meghan had decided to visit. I was fuming. I had places to be. My daughter was having a tantrum because she wanted to go to Exeter for the day, but we weren’t sure if the trains were running or not. My mum kept telling us not to be so disrespectful (She loves the royals!) Eventually a train rolled up and we all piled on. Unfortunately, there was a huge gap between the train and the platform, so we had to jump. The boys struggled with their tiny legs, so I helped them over. We ended up this random car boot sale in the middle of nowhere. Phoebe was kicking up a fuss that it wasn’t Exeter. “We’re supposed to be in isolation. We can’t go to Exeter!” I said. In order to keep her happy, I bought her this pretty extravagant (and very expensive!) coffee from this static van. We then had a browse around. I ended up buying a load of junk I didn’t need. Mainly toys for the boys... despite them not playing with toys anymore?! I spotted someone I used to go to school with and she was trying to sell me this giant version of a “Bop-it” game. I laughed and told her I’d better not, it’ll only drive me insane. On the way back, my mum wanted to look in this junk shop. Instead of parking on the curb like any normal person, she drove into the shop and down the aisles, knocking everything over in the process. We then came to a dead end, so she had to reverse her way out again, causing mayhem and destruction as she went. Sadly, we didn’t manage to find anything. Next scene; I was at this huge party with lots of people I didn’t know. I think they may have been my husbands friends? Either way, I felt awkward and uncomfortable. They were the artsy fartsy type. Not really my cup of tea. They kept putting on these abstract performances in the middle of the street, in which we watched from a window. “What a load of shit!” I muttered under my breath. My husband heard me and wasn’t too happy. I decided to retreat to the garden to escape the madness. One of the performers came over and started to chat to me, but I felt a bit uncomfortable, so I made my excuses and left. I saw my mother-in- law in the corner, making everyone a hot brew, and for some reason this enraged me. “Do you want a drink, Mandy?” My husband asked. “I want some fucking wine!” I snapped. My husband was godsmacked at the very thought. Like, how dare I ask for wine?! “Wine isn’t going to fit in the fridge!” My husband fumed. “Fine! I’ll have a cup of tea.” I said in a mocking tone. I was majorly pissed off. I was uncomfortable and wanted something alcoholic to take away from my misery... but no. I get a cup of tea instead... despite everyone else knocking back beer and glasses of wine. I was so annoyed, I ran off. There was this assault course that I had to do, but my husband came along and was mocking me for not being able to reach the monkey bars. I ran off again and hid behind this big bush. I watched him searching for me, which I found highly amusing. He was heading my way, so I took these random stairs up to what looked like this escape room. This girl was with me and we had to worked out all these bizarre puzzles in order to open the door to the next room. We were on a roll, working together, but failed at the last hurdle. We just couldn’t figure it out. The room filled with gas and this eerie music was playing. I sensed that something dreadful was about to happen. A darkness started to fill the corner and spread throughout the room and I froze with fear. That’s the last thing I can remember.