Date: 11/27/2016
By mrkost
We were at Satori except it was totally different and different people were there. We were all eating in the dining hall and Maddison and Izaiah were sitting next to each other. All of a sudden, both of them stood up and walked upstairs to the dorms. I was the only one who noticed but I thought I was very suspicious. I waited about 5 minutes, then followed them. I got halfway up the stairs and screamed "MADDISON!!" Hey dorm door flew open and Izaiah was pushed out of it. I said "Oh no, no guys, just no." They both guiltily walked out of the room. I walked up to them and asked why. Maddie said "Because my last boyfriend, Poofbee, took me to New York and we had really hard sex and well... Isaiah's my boyfriend now so...." And I was like "This is not at all ok!" Maddie and I were sitting on her bed laughing at Izaiah because he was wearing a diaper while finding his clothes.