Our family was on a plane with an inexperienced pilot and all of a sudden he started swerving everywhere and then we started heading straight for the gr...
We were at Satori except it was totally different and different people were there. We were all eating in the dining hall and Maddison and Izaiah were si...
My family and I lived in a mansion except my room was the same as it is now. We had two maids and a butler. Everyone was home except for my father that ...
We were at a school camp and it was in something like a parking center. Once of the counsellors name was Max. He was about one or two years older than m...
Jensen Ackles was an administrator at my school. I "accidentally" walked into one of the meetings one day but when I saw Jensen sitting there I freaked....
Everytime I went to school I went to heaven for 1 hour exactly with a small group of people. This one day that I went, I was looking for my passed away ...
Kali's mom was supposed to drive me and Joy to school that morning. We waited and waited and waited b she ended up coming at 7:56. We got to school 10 m...
I was waiting patiently for my dad to pick me up from my friend Grace's home after a sleepover. Instead of my dad picking me up, some other guy did and ...
My friends and I were having a party at a really shitty rental in an incredibly shitty area. I was walking through the ocean of people to get the door. ...
I was at a Gabby Show meet & greet and I went on the stage and I said to her that I'm a huge fan and that I have watched every single one of her videos....
It was in the middle of the night, maybe around 2:30 AM. We had turned the alarm on before we went to bed, as usual. Somehow I knew someone had somehow ...
My entire grade went to Yellowstone on a fieldtrip one day. We walked up to the top of a snow capped mountain and got into three single file lines. What...
I was in a clearing in the woods with my entire grade. We were all participating in a competitive game of soccer. I was in the position of the goal keep...
I was at my old summer camp (Camp Reed). I was riding around the camp in a four wheeler/ golf cart kind of thing with a few other people. The camp had d...
I was a man and in Harry Potters body. My name had stayed as Michelle but it was fairly odd to be in a mans body because I was still my conscious self. ...