Nightmare Crossing

Date: 4/3/2020

By Lilia

THIS IS VERY LONG [Not in dream] So the new Animal Crossing Game called Animal Crossing New Horizons was released recently, and I guess I had my old 3DS game, Animal Crossing New Leaf on my mind. But my mind likes to twist things into something horrifying. This is a long one. Btw, when I say “screen POV” that means that the only thing I could see was the screen(like VR). And this was a couple days ago now, so I may not remember all of the details. [In dream] [First Person POV] I was in the living room and picked up my 3Ds because I had been wanting to check on my old town in Animal Crossing New Leaf for the 3Ds [bad idea] My sister was also in the living room with me doing whatever on her 3Ds. The first thing I noticed on the bottom screen is that rather than the pictures and videos being in their little file thing, they were all on the home screen. The home screen was set to the option where all the little spaces for things were not in a single row, but many. And of course this was rather odd. Nevertheless, I continued booting up my ACNL game. [irl, I ended up with 2 copies, one game card and a digital from the eShop on an SD card] Again, I noticed something odd. I had the game card in my 3Ds that has the digital copy from the Nintendo eShop. [Screen POV] The first thing that happens when I start the game is that some animal that I suppose would be in my town was on the screen rather than Isabelle. This character was sort of a red-brown that looked a bit like the radish person. I don’t know what species it was [At this point I should have realized that this was a dream, but NOoo]. I was reading what was on the screen and it said something along the lines of “User 900802, your save file has been corrupted. Please make a new file.” The game proceeded to load back to the screen you would usually find if you had a save file; the camera following one of your villagers walking around, but something was different. I pressed what I assume was “New save file” on the screen. I then saw Isabelle she looked normal, nothing wrong, but I had this strange feeling. She then continued through the text you would normally see when continuing your game, like date, time, etc. I didn’t put this data in the game yet. I accidentally pressed the A button too hard or something because it got stuck. So the game was whizzing through all of Isabelle’s text, and there was WAY too much. Page after page, after page, after page of dialogue that I knew was not programmed into the game. It took me a minute or so to realize why the text was going past so fast. The speed got increasingly faster until I couldn’t read any of it. I then got the button unstuck, but Isabelle had vanished. Now, I didn’t have a town yet. I didn’t go through the usual ride on the train, talk to the cat, choose name of your character, etc. I didn’t even arrive in a town. Like I said, you would normally see one of your villagers walking around the town then you would press “Continue” or something. My view was a bit different. I didn’t have a house yet or a character. And the game didn’t just generate one. 🛑 I was instead met with the view of hundreds of villagers ripping each other to pieces in this one town. 🛑 Normally, like I said, the camera would choose one of your villagers to follow around. I had control over the camera here, I could use the control stick to move it around. By moving the camera I eventually found two wolf characters, Freya and who I believe to be Lobo (but he was a slightly lighter blue) actively trying to kill each other. I decided that was enough and went to the home menu to close the game. The home screen wasn’t much better. There is normally a little app-thing to store photos and videos on the 3Ds. Instead the pictures and videos were all taking up the slots on the home menu [it was set so there were 4 or 5 rows of pictures all going across the screen]. Rather than screenshots of my games, instead there were group/family style photos with Animal Crossing characters that were supposedly my villagers along with the occasional Mii. And of course these pictures were messed up too. No pictures of Animal Crossing war, or what was left of the animals. They were smiling like there was nothing wrong, and yet blood on their faces and bodies [not their blood though]. There were hundreds of these kinds of pictures. [Now, I have this game called Splatoon 2 for my Nintendo Switch, and I used to watch this Splatoon animator. Guess that was on my mind too.] I scrolled, and scrolled, and scrolled through all of these messed up pictures until I found something... familiar. I picture of a female Inkling character that took up multiple panel/slots in the home menu, but was rotated clockwise, so it was facing the left side. This inkling girl had no facial features, no eyes, mouth, or nose. It looked like it was burnt off, almost and had to be stretched and then stitched back together. [First Person POV] Now, my sister also had her 3Ds too [but hers was just slightly glitched] and I tried to show her what was on my screen, but she seemed to basically not acknowledge my existence [or not care]. I just barely glanced at her top screen and it looked like a plain white new tab on a computer or something, without a Google logo. [Not in dream] I woke up about at this point and was certainly freaked out. I’d like to see what you think this means, because I have no idea. I’ve always had dreams similar to this, but recently they have been getting better. Thanks for taking time to read what my stupid brain likes to torture me with.