
Date: 6/10/2019

By jamiehaste

i was in europe being chased by something like police or soldiers and i was in a car going down the side of a mountain that had crops growing all over it. My car got totaled so I changed cars midair to a yellow sports car and skidded down the hill uncontrollably. I got to the road finally and was going so fast i flew out of the car and flew through a drape of vines and hit a gate. I went through the gate and discovered a whole secret village. I decided to hide in there until the cops left. I was hungry and curious about the village so i walked around for a bit. I went into a little shop that sold german sausages and bought and ate it but then i ran out of money. I then kept walking around to the other side of the village and there was a house that smelt good and they were all sitting at the table eating dinner from the sounds of it. I was lonely so i knocked on the door to ask if i could join and my mother was in there, a white man with a beard, and a small asian family that spoke perfect english. There was a bunch of food, pasta bake, two plates of prawn, a very big crumbed prawn that my mother called ‘the beast’ (i didn’t eat it) and more german sausage. Then kinda jumpcut to back at school, i was in the music centre and Sammi called my name. I went over to where she was and she showed me the trophy cabinet, most of the trophy’s were mine from horse riding. They all looked weird tho not like trophies, there were wreaths with jewels in the middle and all said my name. There was also a weird box that had my name and some werid saying about horse cock and it was really funny. Then i woke up