some sort of game where me and a bunch of people are in a thing high in the air and o guess it’s sort of a race to get into this pool by fallijgnfrom th...
Anna and I went to a pymble park for a pissup and all her friends were there so she went off with them and i met some people and made friends with them....
i was in europe being chased by something like police or soldiers and i was in a car going down the side of a mountain that had crops growing all over i...
Went to Thredbo/aspen and it was the start of snow season so not a lot of snow but there were a bunch of skiers and boarders doing weird shit
My mother, coach, teammates and I were in a big futuristic airport, shipping some horses overseas, the platform we were on started going out towards the...
Had a dream that i was in a dream, woke up and stayed home from school that day. I was looking through snapchat and saw my friend Caitys birthday. Also ...