Date: 8/15/2018
By Emile
Featuring in this dream are 3 people; my cousin, a girl I had a crush on (Inka) and one of my ex girlfriends (Lizelle). I was walking down the street with my cousin when I walked past Inka. She didn't see me at first, but I could feel the anger building inside me as we approached her position. Remembering how this girl solidly led me on and rejected me, I felt like this feeling was justified. Upon seeing me, she took a step back as she realised how she wronged me. I just stared her down as we passed and continued down the street. As we were walking, I could hear her following us. Everytime I looked behind me, it looked as if she was right behind me, looking over my shoulder. My cousin and I quickly ran into a building and it seemed like we had lost her. We ran to the other entrance of this building, not noticing where we are, but all I could hear were her footsteps following on the outside. When we reached the entrance, we saw her outside and got a fright. We quickly ran back toward the other entrance. I could hear her footsteps following again and I decided to turn into one of the rooms to our side. Her footsteps stopped as we stopped. I told my cousin that I would leave through the one exit and he can leave through the other one. That way she could not catch both of us and we can quickly meet up later. I then left the room and headed to the one entrance. I could not hear her footsteps anymore and I thought I was safe. I was mistaken. She was waiting by the entrance and told me she wanted to talk. I was reluctant at first, but allowed it. We walked together into another building on that street. It turned out to be a church that was having a movie day for it's members. They offered us a seat and she accepted. As she walked in, I ran out and away from her. As I ran further, I saw mu ex (or in this case, my current?) girlfriend and we embraced each other. I told her that I was happy to see her and that I loved her. I woke up after that in a pool of sweat.