I was working as a detective of sorts during the entire dream. On one of my missions, I was heading toward a giant apartment complex atop a hill. By th...
This was a short dream I had in the morning hours. My friend owned a shop and I decided to visit late at night. He had just returned and I could see he...
I traveled back into someone's childhood with the knowledge I have today. It was, however, a little further back in the historical chronology when segre...
I was in a space station, working as a restroom attendant. My job was collecting funds for the use of the facilities. Because it was late, there was ve...
I was on a futuristic bio dome that works on new technology. A new ocular implant was invented and I was the first test subject for the device. The imp...
I will be as brief about this as I can. A lot of nonsense happened in between: I was stuck in a post apocalyptic world, but we had running water and a ...
I woke up in a strange house with a trans girl standing next to my bed. She wore an empty pillowcase over her head. After I woke up, she turned around a...
This is a short one as it happened so fast: I was in my parents' house and felt a presence coming from their upstairs bedroom. I decided, despite my fe...
I was making a cookie delivery to a sea town. When I got there, the entire place was a mess. Hey had random items spread all over the place and even bet...
This was a short segment of a dream. The setting was a victorian era home and new parents recently lost their daughter. She was an 8 year old brunette ...
In a future now reality I had immense powers. These powers were incredible and from what I had learned, I had the ability of flight, I could shoot energ...
My parents were looking at new houses and one close to their current house looked promising. They only showed interest in one house and already asked m...
I was heading to my grandparents' wedding and everything that could go wrong went wrong. Initially the clothes that I had selected was all dirty, but l...
I went to a function at some hotel on the side of a mountain in some Nordic country. The weather was mild, but the news talked of a forest fire. It was ...
I saw on the news that a horse farm had all their horses run away. Luckily this was in my area, so I could help them locate these horses. I walked arou...
I was kidnapped by a group of extremely wealthy gangsters and was forced to stay there. Their intention was to murder me when the night is done. I waite...
In this dream, I obtained the power of a dragon (apparently). I had the ability to fly as well as conjure and manipulate fire. I flew everyday and as f...
I was desperate for money and found myself in a bad part of the city referred to as the slums. I didn't understand just how bad it was until I got there...
I was walking along a dirt road. It was surrounded by florishing flaura. The canopy of the trees gave way just enough so that the sunlight could wash ov...
This dream is short, but it stuck with me. I was walking around the school yard, supposedly a student there. I believe it was recess, but there were ve...
This was a short but vivid dream. The dream anruptly started in an apartment which was seemingly in a penthouse style apartment. The elevator opened in...
I was dealing with a tragedy in my life that had driven me to the point of tears. It had been bothering me for a while and I was aimlessly wandering thr...
There was a homeless man who sat in the passenger seat of my car and he refused to leave. I tried everything in my power to get him out, but nothing wor...
One of my friends, a girl I like and 3 random people were hanging around in a house and all of their limbs popped off at the torso. The second they came...
This dream was viewed on a CCTV screen on fast forward. The view was from a camera mounted inside a bus, looking back into the passengers' area. Everyt...
I was away on a little retreat at a B&B in the countryside with some friends. This place truly was a wonder as it had tranquility written all over it. ...
I was living during a post apocalyptic time on earth. Things were relatively stable as we managed to keep everyone safe. The only problem was that most ...
I was at my uncle's house and stayed over for the evening. Things were quiet as one would expect a family home to be near bed time. My aunt was reading ...
I was inside an old mansion in which a woman resided. The only reason for me being there was to dispel curse that overtook her. Because the spell was lo...
This one girl I used to date and I were on a sinking ship trying to escape the zombie apocalypse. Because it was sinking, we had to climb our way throug...
My recall starts in a room with a few other guys. We were being punished for something (cannot recall what). The punishment was that we had to play musi...
I was in the middle of a city somewhere in the world. I was with my best friend, Christian. We were busy observing the interrogation of a man who was ca...
It started with a giant feast inside a living/dining room. The mood was somber and everyone was cautious, trying not to be too loud. The feast consisted...
I was part of a team that got hired to make bullets. Somehow the owner and the scientist that works for him have discovere that they could make bullet...
This one felt like dream paralysis and I only recall bits of it. I was lying on my side in bed when I felt something press down on my back. It felt as ...
I was in a big lecture hall with small portal pads and went back to the bathroom. The lecturer followed me there thinking that I was going to try and ha...
There isn't a lot of substance to this dream. I was sitting in the back row of what appeared to be a classroom that was designed to look like a courtro...
I was at a party with someone I really care for (she will be known as Dana for the rest of the dream to avoid confusion). We stepped outside for some fr...
I was at an EDM festival and it was packed. The music, however, was terrible. After a few hours I decided to leave for a beer festival where I joined th...
This dream was more fragmented than usual, so I cannot recall all of it. The last bit that I do remember was that I was shipping off to some place where...
I am not sure what the logical sequence of this dream was, but I was walking toward a small town with a group of people. There was a girl in that group ...
I can't remember much about this dream. There was a faulty decontamination chamber that turned you severely ill. As a result it was always open and rema...
I was at one of those churches where they do random stuff like revive people and lay their hands on others. While I was there, it felt like two groups o...
There was an upfoning party and flyers had been handed out. It was a NYE party. I was kinda seeing this one girl from one of my previous dreams. I remen...
I had a girl over at my apartment for the night and she constantly said I shouldn't ask her out. After spending the night together, she left in the morn...
There was a man trying to climb into a basement, but the space was so small that it could have been a simple crawlspace. He was carrying a pair of plier...
I was standing outside a building in an under cover parking lot. It was dark out and from my immediate location, I could see I was in a bad neigbourhoo...
Featuring in this dream are 3 people; my cousin, a girl I had a crush on (Inka) and one of my ex girlfriends (Lizelle). I was walking down the street w...
I was sleeping next to this one girl last night and we put the airconditioning on (real world). I woke up in my dream and there were a bunch of people i...
I was in acting class in one of the rehearsal rooms next to the theater. My acting coach told the class to exit through the door at the back. This doo...
I was living in a random street in a ramdom duplex. Somehow, I was living with my cousin's girlfriend and we had no money. My grandfather phoned me one ...
I was part of an undercover mission to take down an underage brothel. I have befriended the owner of the facility and have therefore seen things that on...