I tutor a spoiled rich girl and burn down her house

Date: 11/24/2019

By candy303

The school I went to required us to have some sort of extracurricular or job to “apply our knowledge in the real world” in the area we wanted to go into when we grew up. Since I want to be a teacher, I got a job tutoring this rich girl who lived in a mansion down the hill from my house (irl there are no mansions anywhere near my house). We never went into her house, but every day when I came over we would sit at this little table on her front lawn. Teodora from school was also there, I have no idea why. also, in the dream, I was a boy. One day, when I was about to leave, the girl I was tutoring just casually told me, “oh, i think i might be shot tomorrow”. The next day, Teodora didn’t show up, but we started the tutoring anyway. Then a car drove by, with Teodora in the passenger seat, and she leaned out the window and shot at us. She missed and I ducked behind the table. There was a long silence with no more shots and when I finally decided it was safe to stand up, Teodora and the girl I was tutoring were both standing on the sidewalk, and Teodora was aiming the gun directly at me. I ducked behind the table again. Nothing happened for a while and I figured I had to get away eventually, so I decided to make a run for it. When i stood up, the girl was holding the gun and staring at me. She said, “you will come here every day and teach me and Teodora, and you’ll do it for free.” I agreed because, you know, she was holding a gun to my head. It just so happened that that day her parents were hosting a giant dinner party inside the mansion (which I hadn’t yet been into). I had to go to the bathroom, and the girl said, “fine but be out quick”. I went inside, but couldn’t find my way around and had to keep hiding from all these posh dinner guests. At some point I must have stolen some food, because I remember holding a little paper plate of appetizers but don’t remember how I got it. Finally I found a bathroom, downstairs in a totally empty wing of the house, and I scarfed down my food in there. I noticed that there was a scented candle on the counter, but thought nothing of it. Then I realized there was no trash can, so I ran around the house trying to find somewhere to throw out my plate. After I found one I went outside, but I wasn’t more than a few steps out the door when the girl charged up to me and said “you set my house on fire!!” I looked behind me and sure enough, the wing of the house where I had just been was going up in smoke. Everyone came over to watch, including my parents. I guess my mom supernaturally knew it had something to do with me, because as soon as she got there she started yelling at me. Then a fireman came out with the burned remnants of the scented candle I had seen on the counter and said “this is what started the fire”. My mom yelled at me even more about how I should never have left a burning candle unattended, and wouldn’t listen to my arguments that it had been unattended for ages before I walked in and whoever had put it there was at fault. Then the girl came up and started yelling too, and I told her something really insulting (I don’t remember what it was) and also that I didn’t want to work for her anymore. I started running home, but it was one of those dream-runs where you can’t actually get anywhere. The girl ran after me, and her nanny emerged from the crowd just in time to see me push her over. The nanny said “don’t you worry, I’ll deal with this naughty boy” but in the kindest voice possible, if you can imagine that. Then suddenly the dream changed and I was watching from above as a bunch of shirtless men got onto a train. It was black-and-white and really jerky, like I was watching an old film. All the men were in great shape and seemed really happy, talking to each other, laughing, and occasionally pointing up at me and smiling. They all got onto the train and it pulled out of the station.