Magical bamboo

Date: 5/2/2018

By KayDeeKay

It was a really weird, but fun dream. I was a completely different person and lived in this house with my family . The world we lived in had magic . My grandma told me to go plant this special bamboo outside because there was going to be a flood and the bamboo would stop the water. As predicted, the flood happened, but I got trapped in the bamboo as it grew . They grew straight up and miles into the sky. The people around us were desperate to find shelter, but it became violent when out Home couldn’t help anyone else. While trying to get out of the bamboo barrier, I look at one of the stalks and find there is a door in it. I decide to open it and walk through. On the other side I come out and into a futuristic world. I realize that I had time hopped. The bamboo I was in had become this magical fortress and everything around me were beautiful homes and forests. I later find out that while the future was beautiful, the people were very corrupt and selfish. I find my family but my parents have become power hungry from the aftermath of the flood. They weren’t even too happy to see me and tried to get me to become one of them. I tried to find my grandma as I was chased around by my family. I find her and she is the only normal person left. She tells me to go into this mansion to search for a secret room that will take me to another dimension. Meanwhile, my dad is hunting me down so I can be “brainwashed” into heir new way of life. I find this library and climb up a shelf. On top was another room with a closet, u open the door and notice there is no floor and jump down. Somehow in this other dimension, that same bamboo is there, but this time I realize each stalk has a spirit attached to it. Some spirits come to me and they tell me they are on my side and I can summon them for their power. I use this to my advantage and begin using bamboo spirits to fight off my family who was still following me and eventually turning them back into good people. Last I remember is that we are all stuck in this other world.