I've been having a lot of stressful dreams lately. This one was where I was this random child. I had this clairvoyance like power where I would see horr...
For whatever reason my ex has been coming up in my dreams (haven't seen him in like 7yrs) I tell myself all the time that I dodged a bullet with this gu...
I was on this massive space ship and part of a squad, in this dream we were teenagers. I remember going through classes and training, but for some reaso...
I dont have much left that I remember of this dream (didn't write down right away). Basically, I'm on this trip to some beach island. I remember it be...
I was at my childhood home looking out the window into the back yard. In my dream there was a new tree planted out there (like 7ft tall). There was a ...
Man, so I could not sleep today. Ive been lying in bed forever. I had another weird ass dream though. I was on some trip in the woods with a group of pe...
I'm living in this strange far off future where humans were living in cities underground. The cities though were basically like fallout bunks. Each floo...
In this dream it was hard to describe what I was. Some how I was this plant in a forest by a river. I had a family and friends and there was a plant hie...
The dream started off with me traveling into this island. I don't remember who I came with but I was walking around. There was a crowd at the edge of a ...
In this dream I was following around this guy and watched pretty much his downfall. Though I never got a conclusion. So it starts off where this guy beg...
So I've always loved my best friend Catherine. At one point (in real life) we actually dated. We are good friends now but I still have mixed feelings. I...
I wish I remembered more cause it was a neat dream. But basically I was some young boy in this dream and I lived in this town that on the edge of a moun...
I dont remember all of it but it was a stressful dream. It starts with a birthday party at my family's home. We lived by the ocean for someone reason. ...
Kind of a weird dream. I was in my family's neighborhood and with a friend named Catherine. We were riding bikes everywhere, and apparently there was th...
I was back at my childhood home and town. My friend Catherine was there and she was hanging out with me a lot. Her family has always been emotionally ab...
I was in this city with some guy and my two friends cat and Catherine. We were on the river on a boat swimming around. At one point we realize your boat...
Dream is a little fuzzy because I kept waking up. It starts off with me and some work friends (specifically Shelby) going to this 2 week church camp thi...
Not sure who was supposed to be my roommate, but it was a supposed to be some friend. We were both talking about school of some kind (already done with ...
Somehow, my mom found her way into a cult and become one of the leaders. She didn't see it as a cult though, and the family thought it was just some wei...
At a bon fire. Met someone who had a lovely dog. Guy was a jerk. Dog was a hero with crazy skills , no one wanted to believe the story ... But it was go...
I was this boy in my dream and I was going through this alley in a city. Everything has this magical feel to it. I run into some merchant and he shows m...
I was with my old friends Catherine and Cat. We were at the beach and decide to start walking around a neighborhood of nice houses. We come across this ...
This one was a strange dream, I suppose I'll call it a nightmare. I'm with my friends Cat and Catherine in this big house. I can't remember a whole lot ...
I was off to get training for some protocol procedures in the military. I was at a hotel on base when a massive storm rolled in. O was getting tornado w...
I'm not sure who I was in my dream, i was just a made up character who had a father and brother. We are traveling in the mountains and get attacked by s...
Basically just escorted baby Yoda throughout space and went on missions with him. Learned the force and kicked butt haha. Wish I remembered more to be h...
This dream was a little intense. It starts off that I'm back at college for some reason. I'm part of a group of friends who randomly d thought it was ok...
Not sure of the start of the dream, but I was some Prince and had had magical abilities and knew how to fight. I was engaged to my childhood friend and ...
I finally was going on a vacation, it was a cruise from New York to Japan (kind of random). For some reason I was part of a class trip for college stude...
Can't remember much but it was two separate dreams. First dream I was driving with my friend Jessi in my truck. We go down this road that has a steep in...
It started off really fun, but of course I don't remember that part. At some point in the festival, I was given some weird drug. I went to grab a drink ...
This was a stressful dream. I'm at this weird resort with a girl and her father. Her dad takes us out for a boat ride (just some typical speed boat). He...
Kind of a random dream that I don't remember much of. But I'm out around this lake that connects to an ocean. I'm on a boat house with my family, we had...
Overall a frustrating dream. I was back in a time where I was with my ex boyfriend. We were at the beach with some of my old friends. It was my birthda...
Hard to explain entire dream, but I rescued myself from a dungeon. Long story short , I'm a character (some elf chick) who has been enslaved by some kin...
Don't remember much. The dream started off walking around the zoo with my mom. At some point I am now on a random date with this guy that I'm for sure n...
Catherine was in my dream last night. She is an ex that I'm on good terms with still and recently engaged. In the dream, we went and got our nails done ...
Not sure what the goal of the dream was, but I was on this crazy long train ride with lots of stops. I was with my sister and we stopped in the one town...
I took a zipline from Oklahoma to the mountains in Washington. the trip was really fast though and I think I went through a portal . I go hiking in the ...
pretty random dream. but I was on some type of trip to go to a party with my mom. I was going by this school and I see this old couple skating on this w...
weird dream. end of the world Lind of set up. it starts off with a girl I meet and us traveling by foot to escape being sold into these work camps. we b...
can't remember too much, but in this dream I was this totally different person . I was a successful business man dating this lawyer chick. I was going t...
this dream was stressful. so someone a friend and I get lured into this abandoned home. it starts off where the ghost made us believe that we were stayi...
Not sure if this was where i was, but I was in what seemed like a futuristic Italy. I was out with two friends (they were dating) and we were having win...
I just wanted to be safe because some people are sensitive to topics about suicide. in this dream I was an instructor for a suicide club. the goal was t...
this dream made me feel uncomfortable. it starts off where I'm living in this small country town in the woods with my mom. (don't know where rest of fam...
it is hard to describe this whole dream but it was exciting. I was a completely different person in this dream with a different family. it starts off wh...
this was a fun dream. I decided to go to Japan and just learn Japanese while there. Some old friends tagged along (cat and Catherine) and we tried to fi...
I was at some Vegas like place with my friends Pat and Corbin. for some reason I had to be in my uniform (service dress) for a big chunk of the dream. ...
This was a nightmare during my nap. For some reason, I had to go to work on a bicycle and ride on the highway. A tire blows causing me to wreck and hit ...
This one was just sad and I have mixed feelings. My dream had me meet up with my two living grandmothers on separate occasions. One was with Mama Dee an...
I don’t remember too much but I was in some beautiful city. It was spring and it had cherry blossoms everywhere. I hoped onto the subway and it went out...
It was a really weird, but fun dream. I was a completely different person and lived in this house with my family . The world we lived in had magic . My ...
I was in this abandoned mall with some random people. I was following a view from a young boy. The mall seemed to be under construction but there where ...
Family and I went on this trip. Papa Lou was there along with this random black guy who was a wanna be comedian, and then the guy I’ve been talking to o...
I can’t remember the beginning, but I know I was in a sky diving accident. I was pulled into a boat and locked up d made friends with the prisoners. Tim...
I was on a retreat thing with friends and in my dream I was dating my ex again. We were in some camping kayak race and things started off well. Halfway...
Don’t remember much, but in my dream a person went missing and we had 3 different alternate stories with suspects to figure out what happened to the gir...
So I’m not 100% sure if I was in some virtual reality game, but it felt like it. I was in this team and we were going trough levels trying to beat this ...
I can’t remember much but I was in some post apocalyptic world but I think for the time being , everything was starting to get better. I remember fighti...
Fell asleep in my car at the golf course...then dream kicks in where I wake up and find a kid sitting next to me. I ask her if she wanted to watch me bu...
Strange dream where I pretty much started a new life. I’m not over my ex but a friend tries to hook me up with this nice guy at a Halloween party. I dre...
Had a strange dream where Papaw came back to life. The whole family went to visit to say goodbyes because we knew it would be a short time. My dad had t...
Has a dream I was this Japanese girl still in high school . I am in love with my best friend and there is some fun tension between us. The dream turns t...
I only remember pieces of this dream, but I start off as this young boy living in this colony. I was friends with this girl (had a really strong love fo...
This is a dream I have on occasion and it kind of deals with death, or maybe a spirit following me. But it starts with me as a little kid and I get visi...
This was a bad dream , I don’t know why I’ve been having these. My ex came back into my life and at first it was really nice, but it didn’t take long fo...
So loved my dream. I was in Europe on some school trip (even though I’m not in school anymore , it was just my coworkers and neighbors Jess and Nicole)....
The highlights of my dream was that I was with a friend (don’t know who, just a dream friend), and we were I think at some boarding school by the ocean....
I really enjoyed this dream. I was on a road trip with myself and driving through Texas. What was different though was that I reached a part of Texas th...
So I think my brain is starting to transition from my break up, and I’m finally admitting things that I didn’t want to before about the broken relations...
It wasn’t a pleasant dream, I️ know it was also influenced by a Korean drama called “oh my ghost”. Anyway, I️ must have died, but my soul isn’t satisfie...
I was with my ex Catherine and my family’s home. We were goofing off like we did back in high school, she was staying over. We play some video games and...
I don’t remember too much, but I was on this really colorful moon somewhere in deep space. I was on a mission trying to take samples of all the plants a...
My neighbors are great in real life, and in my dream they started to remodel their house. It was so beautiful, I was a little envious of all the great n...
The dream started off weird, but nice. I was with my ex and and old friend that I don't really talk to anymore. We were looking for a place to get dess...
I was on a tropical island resort with my family and old friend and my ex girlfriend. We were having a ton of fun and it was my ex's birthday. We got fr...
Dream started off wonderful. I was back in Florida for training with some of my friends. Somehow, we all got stationed in this sweet condo building righ...
It is hard to explain this one. But I'm kind of in the world from Naruto. I lot of people from work are in my dream and we are on some mission. I'm gett...
Another dream about Axl. He came back and was just as charming as ever. He sweet talked me and my into believing again that we should be together . We s...
So the dream was all over the place, it started off as a nightmare where I was at the beach with my family. Dad went out to swim and I remember we were ...
Another dream about Axl. It starts off okay, we are walking around and amusement park and he is there with us (in real life before breaking up, he was s...
It was another dream about Axl . It is starting to really drain me...I need to stop dreaming about him. It was a nice dream though where I'm with friend...
Another dream where Axl is plaguing my thoughts. I was able to sit him down and we talked about why he left me. He said at some points, thugs were getti...
I had two dreams each involving the life of these two young children. In the dream there is always a babysitter and she plots to kill the kids and tries...
I have a dream I'm getting married to this guy, he is some computer hacker/scientist. I'm in this cool kimono for my dress. We get married, but right af...
Man had a bad dream again about Axl. I met up with him and I talked about how he didn't even try to fix our issues , he just gave up. I asked him if we ...
Had another dream about Axl. He was living in the house I bought and I went and bought another house to live in. I wanted to see him again but I knew it...
I'm still really upset about the breakup with my boyfriend Axl. In my dream I'm in some type of classroom setting. I get upset because he is with anothe...
My dream was all over the place, but what I remember is that I was swimming in a giant fish tank that had whales in it. I jump out and find this Asian g...
I had a lot of dreams but the one I remember most was that I was watching this guy and he was Batman. The thing is, he was trying to do his undercover p...
I just had a dream that I was at the gym with my ex. That was our thing we did together. I remember having a good time and lifting hard. We would flirt ...
My longtime boyfriend and I broke up about 2 weeks ago. Part of it was because he didn't want children. Last night was a bad night, I was scared home al...
Had a dream that I was pregnant and having twins. Not sure how my boyfriend felt but I was really excited. It was weird though, we lived in this really ...
I had a dream I was marrying one of my coworkers (Heather) that I didn't like. We had a strange and fun wedding though. We rented out this auditorium an...
I was a man in this dream and I worked at this school that was in the Grand Canyon. I studied the environment. I met this other man in my program and he...
I was on this beautiful island with my family (in this dream I'm a completely different person than in real life so my family were different characters ...
I had a really short burst of sleep paralysis though for this nap. I was a little paranoid that someone at work would need me but I decided to come in o...
Had another dream where I'm in a large cafeteria with my friends . I remember we wanted to get to a line but it was so packed. My friend Shelby decided...
I'm in this really tropical place and I'm racing a friend in rock climbing up to the top of this waterfall . As I'm climbing I realize we turn into cats...