Exclusive access abuse

Date: 4/12/2020

By leusid

Job was created based on my inspiration, crappy artists kept applying and I didn't know how to judge them. Chelsey P wanted to buy drugs from me, that wasn't exactly the business I was in but for some reason I thought I'd find some for her. She was on speed, was too distracted to tell me what drugs she wanted, I think she said any were fine lol but that didn't seem right. Somehow I had access to incoming train carts. One was absolutely full of cash. Could I somehow get some of that? Another was full of cows, which I was unloading. Another was full of fat cows. Before that I'd asked the others how they were doing, waiting for a response I spotted a few from just vantage point. They said they were doing good, I said I'm gonna float down on ya, then jumped. I was some kind of little robot, somehow using some sort of ability like a cartoon umbrella, my descent slowed but I was swinging back and forth wildly. One of the heroes said he was quitting. He offered me his position even though I had my own. I asked why, he didn't wanna say, I was disappointed and thought he should continue. Finally he told me he became absolutely consumed by the role and couldn't stop. I asked how he got out of it, he said he'd finally managed to muster the willpower to remove his transformative amulet while flying. He fell without a plan I guess, and happened to fall right into my arms moments ago. Wow! Serendipitous.. But, the fat cows started sweetening l squeezing out of their train cart, and my hero friend hopped out after them. Yay! He decided to come back, at least for this one last job. Were we liberating these cows? Got my old restaurant job back for a sec, it didn't actually look anything like where I've ever worked, but I experienced it as relatively familiar. I wanted to put my stuff down on the extra table, but it was set up for dining. In fact, it seemed like all the space had been completely optimized for maximum patron capacity. I got nervous, where should I put my stuff? They pointed out that one small table actually just had bullshit on it. Oh also, Chelsey on speed was eating pizza but kept slapping it to make the toppings fall off, guess she didn't want them. She was making a huge mess. Also in that scene, I had access to some kind of van, where I conducted my somehow shady activity of unknown nature, I think it involved abusing exclusive access. I'd brought Chelsey to the van, she had friends with her that I didn't know, but I invited them all inside. We were getting into a stationary van in the middle of a parking lot in broad daylight, seemed sketch.