I was at Sambrose's house and it was this sprawling house with ridiculous luxurious stuff, including several rooms that were just various kinds of baths...
Meg told me that I really hurt her feelings last night by making fun of her weight. I had no idea what she was talking about, I couldn't even remember l...
My therapist was at my house for a session, for some reason her husband had to leave so I was gonna give her a ride to where he was afterwards. When I ...
This creepy ghost/monster thing killed my grandma. I feel like I saw it, it maybe had a long black drapey body like a classic ghost inverted, and I thi...
No hope of capturing most of this. I was in a new college in the year 2000. It was actually still being designed/built by Nick Macias who was, at leas...
I was hanging out with a bunch of people that I think were maybe supposed to be Blix's family and/or friends, but I don't think I recognized any of them...
Blix, I, CJ, Avery, and I feel like at least one or more other people went into this huge ass creepy mansion to stay for a bit. I think we were hiding ...
I was watching an old Seth Rogen movie that I had seen before that I was also apparently in. The plot was that Seth Rogen and crew were gonna bait and ...
We sat down to watch an event, sitting in this order: Blix, Meg, Me. Blix sighed stressedly, and I was like "are you stressed baby here let's switch" ...
Blix and I went to watch an original play, maybe that her friends were putting on? We were the only two people in the audience. The beginning scene wa...
A comedian (C) was talking shit to an audience member (A). Then C realized A was asleep. C talked more shit loudly, waking A up. For some reason A go...
Cool guy called Wayfaring Jew or something. I wanted to ask people if they thought this was good advice: "If you don't want to apologize, you'll have ...
There was SO much going on, but one of the main things I remember was that I was.. I think I was one of three parents to a child, a little toddler. I d...
I only remember some of the last bits, but here they are: We were at the Old Stomping Grounds, Zoe and a friend of hers were there playing some game. ...
Blix decided that it was time to end her life. I'm not sure why, there wasn't an official narrative reason like a terminal illness that was just going ...
Earlier in the night I was dreaming that people were forcing their way into our apartment building, I saw other people trying to keep the doors closed b...
Can you not delete entries on this app? ๐คจ Sven Johnson and I were trying to throw an empty seltzer water can into a tree, trying to see who could get...
Sven Johnson and I were trying to throw an empty seltzer water can into a tree, trying to see who could get it to get stuck up in the tree first. I kep...
I was on a vacation with a bunch of girls or femboys or transfems or feminine gay dudes, or a mixture of some or all of those. It was a nice time but I...
There was this "baby" that lived inside a system of pipes/wires? It grew by being connected to something specific, and then you would connect it to oth...
A TikTok unexpectedly revealed that a dude had 3 tigers. Earlier I feel like I'd learned he also had 3 bears? Then we were hanging out with him, the a...
I was at some huge party/family event, my cousin Mike was talking about some work drama, how his managers weren't honest with their issues with him, and...
Blix and I walk into a clinic or something and are waiting in line, and I realize that we're somehow both there to get bottom surgery. I get scared and...
All I remember is there was this ongoing focus on some thing that was like the size and shape of a yoga ball, but was actually something else? Like, ma...
Hi dream journal, sorry I haven't written in a while ๐๐๐ Okay so, let's see, what was just happening... We were looking at Lev's videogames that we...
I was like obsessed with the design/layout of the Walgreens we were in lol. For some reason i was like intimately familiar with what it "used to" be li...
I went to a restaurant with someone, can't remember who. There were no other customers. I can't remember exactly how this evolved, but basically I gra...
I had a dream I was either dating Joe Pera or he was trying to date me. I feel like I was hanging all over him and being affectionate and stuff. At on...
I was on the phone with an old Latin American woman who somehow knew me, and I was asking her questions and thanking her for something and she was being...
Dreamt that Bo Burnham was a trans woman in real life, so once I realized I was dreaming somehow I ended up in this mission to find her when she was you...
Somehow a guy made me feel like I had no choice but to help him hijack a plane, I don't remember what he said, but anyway when I was on the plane the hi...
In my dream meagh's dad had recently died. She was sad of course but also seemed to be coping surprisingly well. But I found myself sobbing about it a...
I came back to my apartment building when I was supposed to be gone on some trip or something, and there were people on their way to a party in the buil...
I went in to the sex store to "trade in" two magic wands lmao, and I told the person I just wanted the best thing, so they showed me this thing that was...
Two very tall masked figures showed up cloaked/robed in all black. I went up to them to confront them about what they wanted, partially because I felt ...
My dad bought a new house, he was showing me around and it was basically exactly the house I grew up in except with different carpet, which honestly the...
There were two "bad guys" that we managed to lock in an alternate dimension somehow, but then I went into the alternate dimension and it was like this.....
I went into a dispensary and realized I forgot my mask, but then also realized nobody else was wearing a mask, and I realized "oh, is this just the worl...
Was checking out a small company's new office building, it seemed very nice, all the offices were accessed through a central break room + hallway situat...
I heard a girl crying as I walked through the crowded campus hallway. As I neared the source, I saw her through the glass to my right. She was indeed ...
Eight of us were sitting on the seats of a wheelbarrow, which makes no sense obviously, but I think it had like built in bench seats lol. Ciara was on ...
A person who was my brother and/or dad picked up me and my psychiatrist in a jeep. Psych met brodad and gave him a hug, then we both climbed into the b...
I found a bunch of caps of ecstacy in my... Dorm room? And tried to hide them among my clothes. Steve asked to borrow some sheets and I couldn't find ...
Went to some house in the middle of some rural countryside. Apparently it was the house of a deceased woman who was the subject of a murder mystery sho...
A whole bunch of stuff happened, then toward the end we were sitting in some sketchy drug dealer's house. He made a weird joke that I didn't understand...
Lmao okay so. We were walking along this spit of sand (dune?), and there was a giant spider on land across a narrow gap of water. I was like that spid...
I get separated from meagh. I have a pretty fun time wandering around on my own, can't remember anything that happened though, except I was trying to f...
Before my previous dream, I went into a bathroom that was reminiscent of the downstairs bathroom at the old stomping grounds, but way bigger and dingier...
Somehow I ended up on the phone with this random girl and we were totally just like hella fucking with each other. I think at first I was actually annoy...
Brooke was climbing around on the outside of a pretty high staircase for fun, and then she accepted my help to get back up over the edge to safety. wiz...
This is my dream #200 on DJU!! There was some kind of machine that would launch you out of it like a cannon and you'd fly into some kind of interactive...
There was a ton of shit going on. There was a guy standing in front of some kind of warehouse garage at night with two guns attached to cords and he wa...
I was wandering through a series of corridors slash small valley or dry riverbed or something, and this conservative march started coming through, so I ...
I was going all over the place, on foot, at one point I thought I knew where I was and could cut through some trees to a main road, but instead I ended ...
It seemed like a huge protest/demonstration in the city streets at night. One guy fell over on his motorcycle, and another guy rode up on another motor...
I think I was in some sort of weird academy, the facility was so insane I don't even know how to describe it, I feel like the best I can think of is it ...
Meaghan and I were hanging out with my uncle Andrew, and I was like let's do mushrooms! I don't think we actually did, but irl that would have been a t...
Writing what I remember about the previous night's dream again tonight.. there was a scene in a movie where some little minion or something tried to be...
It's mostly gone now, but what I can remember of this dream seems kinda funny so... I'm writing it down while I'm in bed the night after having it. I ...
A show where a big diverse group of people are amassing in this found family house type deal. There were several elders that were taking in and providi...
I went into a little rural cottage or something that we were staying at. Julian was watching a video of him and Rachel on video chat that they'd appare...
I was working for Donald Trump, I was eating cake and offered him some, he accepted. A female version of Clancy from The Midnight Gospel was lying on a...
Saw the world's biggest scariest spider at the old stomping grounds, tried and failed to kill it and then somehow we lost it. Tried to find it but we n...
Was at a party, I was in one room that felt partially like a gymnasium or library, partially outside. At first I was trying to put on a bunch of shirts...
(cw ableist slurs) I was at some kind of expo or something, everyone was gathered into a little arena type situation, chatting before a presentation be...
Steve taught me a little party trick where if you cross your arms (like you're taking off a tight shirt) and place your hands under the opposite sides o...
Was playing some kind of basketball type game in the street with Jacob's mom and maybe dad and meagh and.. Jacob? Idk the people probably kept changing...
Fell back asleep for a bit and dreamed some more. This time, a gang of three like.. beast people? Like they were punky and I think magical, they each...
I "grinded" the entire rail of this super tall spiral staircase on my rollerblades by holding onto the rail above as I slowly went down lol. Somehow in...
At some point I guided a huge cloud of flames a long way until it reached an elementary school, I can't remember why. Everyone was evacuating and I wen...
I went over to someone's house, they lived out in the country a bit and were on a hill, I went out a door in the kitchen and parked my car in a little g...
There were all these different little clips of different characters, mostly drones, and eventually we started seeing the same characters as previous cli...
Finn was climbing on the wall at the OSG like one of those mountain goats that can stand on basically a vertical surface, he was just walking up the wal...
I was sleeping on the floor next to my bunk bed in my bedroom, most similar to my childhood bedroom at the Old Stomping Grounds. After a while, I reali...
A dude was walking with his two sons. They were all skinny, black, hair shaved very short. The kids looked like they were just getting out from elemen...
There was a group of seemingly mostly the same people that just kept being transported from location to location, and at each location some of us would ...
There was a sloth slithering rapidly down the hall. I yelled to point it out and we were trippin, somehow meagh caught it and was holding it down. I w...
Janette asked me if she was looking nice and broad or something, I was confused but affirmed her and said hell yeah broad af lol. She laid down on top ...
Somehow I was watching this YouTube video of a bunch of dumb shit, and somehow I was also running around doing a hunch of dumb shit, and somehow I ran i...
We were coming back to the facility for the last day. We pulled into the parking garage, a familiar woman was putting identifiers on all the ... client...
We were sitting around a dinner table with someone else's family (in what seemed to be the OSG in the living room near the fireplace at the top of the s...
We were moving house, and apparently in the meantime we were letting the cats roam around outside while we got everything situated? I went out to check...
I was getting really emotional about the concept of truck drivers' dogs dying lmao. This was going on for quite a while in the dream. I remember at on...
We were sneaking in to a building that I think was supposed to be the main headquarters place in Dying Light, but set in the past. I can't remember exa...
Julian and I are in some kind of motorcycle racing game. We both drive off the edge trying to take out some NPC, but somehow we glitch out and end up d...
I vaguely recall some stuff about an earlier dream. Ciara was showing us around her place, we walked outside through what seemed to be the back kitchen...
Right before I woke up, I was a queer and/or possibly some ostracized fantasy species like a cat person or something, in a story set in an even less acc...
We found a bunch of drugs in the ocean or a giant swimming pool or something lol. I think I found them, but then that person was someone else, and ther...
I sped past a semi truck and somehow made the driver mad at me, I was getting on the highway so I went as fast as I could to evade the truck. It was ch...
We were venturing into someplace cold. It was down some back roads, maybe logging roads? We'd been instructed by guides(?) how to acclimate ourselves ...
We were hanging out in a park at night. I was talking to someone about how I don't think anyone left school confident, except maybe Spencer, and then I...
I was looking at different faces I could choose for my character. I had been rocking this wrinkled old woman face with a huge scar diagonally across th...
I was somehow creating an index of iterations of similar events and assessing certain things about them. I wish I remembered more about that lol, very ...
I had a dream that myself and some friends took acid and we were on the come up. At first my mom was there and we were saying drug things and she was c...
Just before I woke up, I was sitting on a hillside and heard somebody say something about "Zack!" I looked over and there was a person who bore a decent...
Right before I woke up, we gathered for some kind of meeting or.. I guess more of a presentation cuz we were all sitting in basically a small crowd faci...
It was raining? Or somehow water was arriving, the grassy path we'd driven in on began to fill with water that was nearly white with cloudiness. Shae ...
Before the insane Ocean Drive dream, I was part of this seemingly elaborate and dramatic narrative that I'm going to fail to fully and accurately recall...
Mom was driving us to her house in Guatemala or somewhere along those lines, on a freeway alongside the ocean. She was asking if I wanted to givet insid...
Phew! Ciara was lost out in the woods and on day three we were out looking for her and I was like fuck I can't believe she's not back yet three days th...