Allison hurts her foot

Date: 4/16/2020

By candy303

I was with a group of people walking on a path in the mountains. On one side of the path were pine trees, and the other was a steep drop. There was a lovely view of the mountains. Suddenly we were in the school lobby. It looked different— it was smaller, the ceiling was higher and domed, and there were hallways coming off of it in all directions. It was extremely crowded. The bell rang and everyone else left, then Mr. Brewer came and yelled at me to leave too. Somehow I knew that normal school had been cancelled and instead we had to sit in our advisor’s room all day and do coloring pages. I was excited for this because it meant I wouldn’t have to do work, but also knew that I would get bored quickly. I went upstairs to a room that was Ms. Macdonald’s in the dream, but didn’t look anything like it in real life. Ms. Mac asked me to go with Alli to run some errand (I forget the specifics) and we both left. On our way back to Ms. Mac’s room, someone Alli knew waved to her in the hallway and she went back to talk to him. I wasn’t sure whether I should wait for her or not, and I settled on walking very slowly so she could easily catch up once she was done talking. After she finished, she saw that I was ahead so she ran to catch up and slipped. She had been carrying papers, which went everywhere. I gathered them up and we got back to Ms. Mac’s room somehow. Ms. Mac asked what happened, and Alli said, “I stepped wrong on my foot.” I asked if we should go to a doctor, and Ms. Mac said we’d need a detective’s statement for that (??). I offered to go get Mr. Gus (in the dream I guess he was also a detective) but as soon as I started to leave he said “Hello” and stepped out from where I guess he had been standing the entire time. I was really embarrassed that I hadn’t seen him. I don’t remember him actually writing out a detective’s statement, but we were able to leave to go to a doctor. I asked Ms. Mac what to tell the doctor, and she said, “Just say she stepped wrong on her foot.” Then we were outside, on the same mountain path where I was in the beginning, and Alli was struggling to walk. I guess the path was too thin and uneven for a vehicle to get down, so even though her foot was injured she had to walk on her own.