Ocean Drive....

Date: 5/26/2020

By leusid

Mom was driving us to her house in Guatemala or somewhere along those lines, on a freeway alongside the ocean. She was asking if I wanted to givet inside once we got there since she might be exposed to covid, I said yeah fuck it, and she was like eh I'm 65 anyway if I get it I'll be dead in probably like..45 minutes? For some reason our side of the freeway became split down the center by those concrete barriers, but traffic was still going the same way on both sides. We ended up on the ocean side, so there was no barrier between us and the ocean. Apparently there were intense winds because the car jerked toward the ocean suddenly, fishtailing a decent amount. I realized that must mean the road was slippery. We were both alarmed and realized we should be on the other side of the barrier, mom commented on this. I saw that the road was slippery because winds and waves were splashing some ocean water onto the road. Actually it was a lot of water. Holy shit there's so much water, mom was basically still reeling from the swerve/fishtail, now she was being forced toward the barrier and hit it. Still being pushed into the barrier, we actually started to get pushed up and over it. The ocean was rising toward the top of the barrier, and I actually felt a bit of relief when it seemed like it was gonna put us over it so we could be on the other side, safe from the ocean lol. Mom made a slightly annoyed comment on the driving conditions. We went over the edge of the barrier, but it didn't really matter because the barrier was now underwater. We were basically cruising along on top of the ocean lol, tho it was unclear to what extent we were being swept along. The car was in a constant extreme fishtail, spinning around in circles and back as we skimmed along atop the ocean. I thought man I hope this doesn't get too deep that we sink, or that we don't capsize or fill up with water or anything. Mom commented "so how much longer does the road go on like this?" How can we even tell we're still on the road? Hmm this seems not good... Suddenly a burst of lava exploded from the ocean several yards away. I was like whoa did you see that lava just fuckin exploded up--and it happened again nearby. I realized there were just random pockets of lava exploding up our of the ocean all over the place lol. I was like damn I hope we don't hit one of those.. We start really looking for when the road gets normal again. In the distance we see railings and winding roads, but it's pretty far off. Then ahead we realize we're heading into this huge tangled web of roads all intertwangled betwixt one another, like in Portland or San Francisco or probably a lot of other places. We decide we're just gonna try/hope to land on any of those roads. As we get nearer, we see that the network of roads is convoluted to an MC Escher-esque degree, and the one we seem to be coming in for a landing on is actually going upside down at this point. But slowly, gingerly, the ocean sets us down on the road.