Digital art 4k scene from a movie: The myth, the suicide, the scream.... ("OH GOD SHE WAVED AT ME!")

"She'll jump through time itself and eat you!" The myth, the suicide, and the truth of it all..

Date: 9/6/2024

By blucanary

My dream was about an absurd scary myth. Some teenage girl was being joked about because during recess/p.e. at school ( high school ), she had jumped further than anyone else in some competition they were having. Since she was kind of on the larger side, and was therefore an outcast, the other students started making fun of her for it. One boy in particular made a joke about her jumping so far that she could jump through time, and the Holocaust victims died because she jumped through time and ate all the food the Nazis had for the Jews ( With no food left for all those ppl, the Natzis then had to kill the ones that didn't starve to death on their own ). Everyone found it so funny that it took on a life of it's own and became a sort of "myth". The myth then involved, saying that sometimes, real quickly, you just might be able to see her jumping through time, and that if you did, she would eat you too! So BEWARE! This just made the other students at school laugh even harder! A little bit of time went by ( maybe a matter of months, maybe a year, Idk ). I was driving a large boat in a narrow body of water. On one side, just a massive wall of rock & ice. On the other, a city. You could see the clean cut end of the concrete and the railing to make sure people that came to view the water didnt just fall off into it and die ( it was a far enough fall that hitting the water would be like hitting concrete, and if not killing you immediately then at best paralyzing you for life ). It was nighttime, and I was navigating by the light of the celestial sky. There were lights in the city, but not near the city's edge. I was on the phone with a friend, telling them I was in a hurry to get somewhere. It was at this point that I saw the silhouette of a person on the wrong side of the railing, arms behind them holding onto the railing, and face peering down at the water. Before I even have time to finish my thought of, "Oh God! I hope they're not planning on jumping!", they let go. There's suddenly a loud crash directly behind me. They landed on my boat! I turn around. It's the girl from the myth. She couldn't take the laughs and jeers anymore and decided to end her life. She's mostly dead, blood surrounding her body and seeping into the hole she had created beneath her when she landed. She was on her stomach, her arms and legs twisted in odd, unnatural ways, her hair so seeped in blood I couldn't tell if it was dark or if the blood just made it appear that way. Her eyes, bugging out of her sockets, seemed to stare deeply into my own. Her mouth formed into a wide smile. Far too wide to be natural; teeth missing and her lips ripped & torn from landing on her face. She then lifted up one of her tangled & broken arms, waving to me. I stumbled backward. I fall, landing on my butt. Never taking my eyes off of this girl, I kick my legs and use my arms to try to move backward and put some distance between her and I. Obviously no longer steering, my boat hits the massive rock wall and we capsized. It feels as though I'm underwater for at least a minute or two. I came to the surface gasping for air. My long dark hair is covering my face. I move just enough to clear my nose and mouth so I can take the deep breaths I need to fill my lungs with air. I see just enough to know that I must be on the other side of the wall. The water looks black, and I can tell wherever I'm at is closed off. Suddenly, I start to get this horrible feeling. In my gut, I know something bad is about to happen. "If you see her, she'll eat you!" This thought came into my mind and wouldn't leave. I was shivering now. I start crying. I know as soon as I turn my head in the direction that the water is carrying me, that *she* will be there. Staring into my soul, smiling that horrific broken smile, before she opens that horribly grotesque mouth and swallows me whole! Her myth had gained such a life for itself, that not even in death could she escape it. And now she would have her revenge on each and every person that ever even snickered at that stupid joke at her expense. As for me - I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. She landed on my boat when she attempted to end her life. I was the very first person to see her new, gory, frightening image. And I would, therefore, be her very first victim. Through wet strands of hair in my eyes, I saw her eyes and mouth emerge from the water in front of me. I begin screaming at the top of my lungs, "OH GOD SHE WAVED AT ME! SHE WAVED AT ME! SHE WAVED AT ME!" It was all I could say. I was so frightened, and I screamed it so loud and so continuously that my husband Jack shook me awake, just as her mouth, still smiling, began to open to devour me...

AI generated interpretation Your dream seems to be a complex and vivid exploration of themes related to social ostracism, guilt, and fear of being consumed or destroyed by one's own inner demons or the consequences of one's actions. The myth within the dream appears to be a symbolic representation of how social ridicule and bullying can have profound and lasting effects on an individual's psyche. The teenage girl who becomes the subject of the myth is portrayed as an outcast who is mocked and belittled by her peers. This can be reflective of feelings of inadequacy, rejection, or isolation that you may be experiencing in your waking life. The girl's ultimate decision to take her own life may symbolize a desire to escape from feelings of pain, shame, or humiliation. This could suggest feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness, or despair that you may be struggling with on a subconscious level. The imagery of the girl's grotesque and horrifying appearance upon her death could represent the distorted and exaggerated fears or anxieties that may be plaguing your mind. The fear of being consumed or destroyed by these inner demons is central to the climax of the dream, where you are confronted with the girl's menacing presence and feel overwhelmed by terror. The setting of the dream, with the boat sailing in dark waters and the looming ice wall, may symbolize a sense of being trapped or unable to escape from a threatening situation. The imagery of the city with its lights and the phone call with a friend may suggest a desire for connection, safety, or guidance in navigating through difficult circumstances. The recurring motif of screaming and the desperate plea for help ("OH GOD SHE WAVED AT ME!") could indicate a deep-seated fear of being unable to protect yourself from harm or of being unable to overcome the overwhelming emotional turmoil within you. Overall, your dream appears to be a symbolic representation of inner conflicts, fears, and unresolved issues that may be manifesting in your subconscious mind. It may be beneficial to explore these themes further in order to gain insight into your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in your waking life. It could be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor about your dream to gain a deeper understanding of its meaning and how it relates to your personal experiences and psychological well-being.