Infected dreams

Date: 4/13/2020

By leusid

Was just trying to wander through my dream world like usual. Someone came out of a restricted access door and set it up so that it didn't quite close and they could sneak back in later. So I went and snuck in, was exploring, saw people and hid. Someone was with me, we were gonna go back out the way we came in, but I hopped on a service elevator and motioned for them to join. They did, it started descending, then it started free falling and rotating until the platform was beside, then above us. I was like oh shit, this is quite the elevator ride. At another point we were talking about or hearing discussion about the state of global collapse. I think meagh showed me a video that I think was supposed to be a metaphor for where we're at right now. It started with the view at the very front of a rollercoaster at the top right before the drop. The drop was straight down as far as the eye could see. Then it went over the edge, plummeting, it kept looking like it might start leveling out or approaching the ground, but then kept plummeting straight down. At one point the track ahead literally opened up so the plummet could continue. Immediately after we finally leveled out we stopped abruptly. There was a fork in the track and an opossum was standing in front of us looking scared. I was like shoo get outta here bro, he went to the right so we went left, I saw him sit down in the tracks, we were departing slowly, I was yelling at him to get off the track but of course he didn't care. I grabbed a rock and threw it but missed, again he didn't care. There was discussion about global collapse. Some sort of historical narration about how there was once a planet called Earth with creature called humans until the year 2020. Someone said you know what we have to do? Someone else, of course, destroy the government--(first person) no! The resistance is more infected and easier to put down.