Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Generate a dystopian image of a school courtyard during a play rehearsal, where the lead actress swings on a wrecking ball as the ceiling collapses and boulders fall from the sky, causing chaos and destruction as people run for safety.

Five Nights at Freddy's, Raining Death, and Wynona Ryder (Five Nights of Raining Death w Wynona Ryder!)

Date: 3/4/2019

By blucanary

I know there was more before this, but I can't quite grab onto it... It's just beyond my reach in a fog. I can see silhouettes and movement but cant make anything out. UGH! I HATE that abt dreams! So starting at the moment I do remember - I'm at a school (I think it's a high school, even though I knew that I attended university). At this school they have a courtyard w/ a stage and this is where they are setting up for a play that I am to star in (the lead cdnt make it for some reason and it seems the school knows me for some reason - maybe I attended there, maybe I'm friends or acquaintances w the Drama teacher - and called me asking me to fill in (for the 2nd day in a row). As they were finishing up the set I went out to the parking lot. It was almost completely filled. There was one white vehicle parked in a special V.I.P parking spot on the roof of a small section of building. The occupants were just hanging out in and around the car. A couple guys that looked Italian (deep olive skin black hair. Buff. Gray t-shirts and jeans. They looked and dressed like twins. They were laughing and making jokes, presumably to impress the woman in the car. Thinking back, she looked just like Al's (much older) sister, Nika, but while in the dream I didn't think this. She was middle aged and had long thick dark blonde/light brown hair. Her face was plain w/ no make up and no smile. All I cd see of her attire was a t-shirt. If I remember correctly it was red. I figure Ive spent enough time walking the parking lot. The play was probably abt to begin, so I headed back to the courtyard. As soon as I got back we all took our places on stage. I believe it was 2 other "actors" took front stage, while I started off to the left, swinging. It wasnt a regular swing however, it was actually a wrecking ball. Yes, just like Miley Cyrus' stupid video =/ In fact I even think I was wearing something similiar to her in that video - white panties and a white top. Nothing more. OHH I did have a robe on I just remembered! But nothing more than that. It wasnt suppose to be erotic or a commentary on Cyrus.. It was a play of innocent love (I think, anyway). As the play began and I swung on that ball (not all sexy-like, simply back amd forth while looking melancholy, with my sheer white robe flowing behind me [maybe I was suppose to be a ghost?!? Or maybe just a memory]) I noticed that the roof above was cracking w every swing I took. I looked to the director. He told me to keep going. It was all just a styrofoam set-up, IF it all fell (which he thought was unlikely bc the set was well made; thick; he didnt believe the crack made it's way all the way through, but even IF it did...) it wdnt hurt anyone. So I continued swinging, unable however to take my eyes off of the crack growing larger w each movement. Then, when the crack made it all the way across, pieces of the ceiling began to collapse right onto the middle of the stage. Not just the styrofoam ceiling, but the actual plaster and cement and whatever the hell celings are made of started to fall apart! I jumped off the "swing" and ran out towards the parking lot as chaos ensued all around me. Ppl screaming and running, the building collapsing, blood being spilt by those that were unfortunate enough to get crushed! I made my way, still in the underwear and flowing sheer robe, to the parking lot to find my car. As I ran out I saw the white car on the roof. One of the twins was trying to help the woman out of the car. Part of it (the front half) had been crushed by a boulder, so the woman was trying to crawl out the back (the back windshield had been smashed out). She was halfway out, the top half visible (this is where I saw that she was wearing a t-shirt that I THINK was red). Still expressionless as she tried to make her way out, another boulder came out of the sky and smashed the back end of the car, instantly killing her and the one Italian twin. The other twin I now realized was behind me, bc as the boulder hit and you cd see the bloody bodies lying limp around said boulder, he began to wail. I turn to look at him. He has the most horrific look of disbelief and pain and guilt all rolled into one on his face, his hands grabbing the sides of his head, for some reason he is also covered in blood. Maybe the first boulder that hit the front of the car had hit him. Maybe that's why he was already off the roof. He was going to try to find help while his brother helped to get their woman friend out of the vehicle. At this point I start seeing things literally falling out of the sky. Big pieces of debris as well as boulders. I cant figure out what's going on. Are we being attacked by aliens, or is it our govt doing this to us?! I see a black helicopter peeking out and then once again hiding behind some clouds. I dont have the luxury of standing around watching the skies trying to figure out who our attacker is, I HAVE to get out of here if I want to survive. I look around the parking lot before I recall seeing my car near the side of the stage (remember, the stage was outside in a courtyard, so cars being parked around the sides of the courtyard isnt too unrealistic) even though I had parked it out here further down. So I ran to where I recalled seeing my car. I found it and just as I made it into my car my phone rang. The chaos around me was quieting down, so I answered the phone. It was a girl I knew. She wanted to hang out. As Im on the phone and trying to start my car, I hear my mother calling me. I look around and see her running towards my car. I tell the girl I already have dinner plans w my mum and family but wd get back to her. My mum made it to the car before my conversation w the girl ended, and my mum started yelling things like, "Hi Summer's friend! I'm Summer's mum, who are you??" I very quickly hung up the phone when she started that, and chided her for acting that way! I told her I cdnt introduce them even if I wanted to, bc I cdnt remember that girls name for the life of me and when I programmed her number into my phone I added her as "You Again" bc she wdnt quit calling! Anyway. From here, we went to someones house for dinner. At first my mother is there w me, but before long she simply isnt there anymore. We're sitting at a large table abt to eat. There's an old lady at the head of the table complaining abt anything and everything, and her older middle aged daughter sits next to her. The daughter is Wynona Ryder. I watch the two of them go back and forth a bit before I turn to my mum and ask, "Is Wynona playing both parts?!" My mum replies, "Yeah! I think she is! Wow! The make-up artist did a great job making her into an old woman"! I think to myself, "wait... Is this a movie? Or is this real life? If this is real then Wynona cant be both people... But it's obvious that she is both mother AND daughter.." I'm confused but can come to no conclusion. I get up from the table and make my way into a bedroom. My mother is now gone. The old woman follows me, telling me stories of her husband and his death. When I asked how exactly he died, the old big boxey square television set in the middle of the room suddenly turned on and on the screen, super close-up, was a 'Five Nights at Freddy's" character. This of course startled me, and I turned around to leave only to find the same character on the screen now directly in front of me and weilding a knife. I now start screaming and trying to run and hide. However, Idk if I was successful or not. That is all I remember. Maybe I woke up at this point? Or maybe I was killed at this point so everything just went black, w the last few moments of that life, the moments of my death, fading along with all the color, and all the visions, everything fading away to darkness...

AI generated interpretation This dream is rich in symbolism and reflects various aspects of your subconscious mind. Let's break it down: The school setting may represent feelings of nostalgia or reflection on the past, particularly your high school years. Being asked to star in a play last minute could symbolize opportunities or challenges that arise unexpectedly in your waking life. The wrecking ball, reminiscent of Miley Cyrus' video, may symbolize a blending of innocence and destruction. Swinging on the wrecking ball could represent feeling caught between two extremes or struggling with contradictory emotions. The crumbling ceiling and chaos in the play symbolize instability or impending disaster in your waking life. This could indicate a fear of things falling apart or losing control over a situation. The Italian twins and the woman in the car suggest themes of duality, relationships, and potential danger. The tragic events with the boulders falling from the sky could represent a sense of impending threat or betrayal in your subconscious mind. The helicopter and falling debris may symbolize external forces or influences out of your control. This could reflect anxiety or uncertainty about the future and feeling overwhelmed by external pressures. Seeing the character from Five Nights at Freddy's could indicate feelings of fear, vulnerability, or being pursued by threats in your waking life. The sudden appearance of the character holding a knife may symbolize feeling threatened or attacked by something or someone in your waking life. The presence of Winona Ryder playing dual roles could symbolize complexities or uncertainties in your relationships or self-perception. The old woman sharing stories of her husband's death could represent unresolved grief or fears surrounding loss and mortality. Overall, this dream seems to reflect a mix of emotions such as nostalgia, anxiety, fear, and uncertainty about the future. It may be helpful to reflect on these themes and consider how they relate to your current life circumstances and emotions.