Falkor's Cavilcade of Fucked-up Imagination

Date: 6/29/2016

By FalkorAlbelin

It started in a woods at night, walking with my dad, we circles around into an opening where we walked into the back door of someone's house. It was own d by a blonde woman and her child, they didn't mind all that much but I apologised anyway for the intrusion. As we walked past another house, I saw that someone was playing one of the old Call of Duty games. The nest dream I remember is being in an apartment, top floor with a view of a beach cove (I live in Spain). Me and my mum were on the balcony and someone from the UK who worked with me was on the beach, the clouds were dark and spirally, so I asked Siri if there were any storms today and there were. You could see unreal spirals coming down, 3 of them, so I said to them an on the beach to get inside with us (even though he was far away) but he said it was fine... Before getting sucked up! So, I said to my mum "Get inside!" But she stared at the sky, then I knew I was dreaming, so I did the whole rubbings hands and asked for clarity, control and stabilisation but it didn't work. I woke up. After this dream I remember walking around an old neighbourhood with my dad, talking about that dream. Somewhere in the middle of my vivid dreams was a hazy memory of Donald Trump being killed before the election... Not by me! But it was on the news or something 🤔 Anyway!the last vivid dream I had was going to a Christmas party with a load of Spanish people that I didn't want to go to, I was the only non-Spaniard. After the dinner I remember everyone leaving suddenly, and there was lots of stuff left behind such as cake. Lots of cake. Everywhere around the house? Different Christmas cake, beer cake?! If such a delicacy exists 🍻, so I thought "hey, nobody would mind if I take this? I mean there's a lot here". After I took it, 3 people came back, 3 young men that seemed to know I was stealing stuff but didn't mind. One of them was having a conversation, he'd just bought something (but what?!) before he moved to Italy because he "loves Italy". So I left anyway after saying goodbyes, I was in the old almost city of my birthplace! It was winter too. After a little walking my dad picked me up, he asked how it went so I opened the back to show him the loot, and it was all half-eaten... My beer cake 😫 *cue theme music* That's it folks! Tune in again for more of Falkor's shenanigans! ✌️