I have a 15 year road map for my future, it came to me in a dream that I was having about pangolins. Basically, I start of making €1 from selling an alb...
What is the point?
It’s been a long time since I’ve done this. Last night I had dreams about being with old friends around the town. We were driving and had some sort of...
Quick question for everyone: If you could give up your life now to spend the remainder of your life in a full lucid dream without the chance to reconsi...
I don’t remember a lot of dreams from last night, but the one that stands out for obvious reasons is the following. I was walking with some friends alo...
Just woke from a nap and my arm was dead, for some reason I was immediately aware that I could try and get back into a dream. I managed to almost get ba...
I remember being in a room where some lunatic criminal guy was tied to a bed and violently shaking and screaming. There was a doctor and a nurse around ...
Well very soon you will be sleeping And you’ll wake up in a dream So close your eyes it’s time to go to sleep And very soon it will be morning Time to ...
Just tried to have a nap because I was tired for waking early, it was 3pm where I am at, and this happened... For the past few days I’ve been trying th...
Hi all, Hope whoever reads this is having a good day. Just something I'm pondering, does anyone think it's possible to spend what is seemingly years in...
I had a weird dream that I was in some form of public transport with a load of people I knew. We paid for luxury seats and a few of us were playing on a...
I don't remember anything, but this is going out to my subconscious. This is a fresh start in our life! We are going to succeed in everything we attemp...
Welp, lucid dreams all around I guess. The night started with ordinary dreams but then later I just suddenly became lucid, I will explain. It began in ...
It aaaall started when I was walking my dog down the usual place along the coast, I started talking to an old friend about learning Spanish since I real...
It all started with me being inside my apartment, but instead of being alone I was with about ten people who apparently lived with me. I was getting rea...
Strange dreams again... I was back in my old neighbourhood with my dad and dog, the house I lived in was now surrounded by a massive plot of vegetation....
Last night was very vivid, the first thing I remember was joining two group chats on kik, I can remember seeing a load of names and faces of all the peo...
This isn't a dream I had, this is just a message to anyone who wants to join a public kik group for this app? I've never made one before but I thought...
That was one of the strangest dreams I have ever had 😲 I was in a large school on the coast, and as far as I can tell the place was getting attacked by...
I had some pretty good dreams last night, I remember a few scenes before I became lucid and then one before I woke up. The furthest back I can recollec...
This is not a dream, but I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year! 🎉😁✌️️ Hope everyone has a grand ol' day 😅
Okay, so I was dreaming all night but I'm only going to write down my lucid dream since it's all I can remember in detail. From what I remember, I sudd...
👋 So, I just tried a WILD, it's 3 in the afternoon. I had more success than the usual weird feelings and I think I know why. (If anybody doesn't know...
Not many dreams tonight but I had a gross one and then a kinda boring one. First there was a dream I didn't remember straight away until I cleaned my t...
Okay so I know that one of my dream signs is seeing friends that it's impossible for me to see since I moved, but I keep having these dreams full of the...
During last nights sleep I tried to WILD about 3 times with no results but on the bright side, my dreams are getting more vivid and well... weird 😅 Th...
This isn't that fun of a dream, but the occurrence was the notable part. So for the past few days I've tried to do a WILD in the daytime, which can go ...
I had a lot of dreams, it all started with getting a new job. I was on some sort of weird island or on the coast while my dad was on the phone about a n...
Second day of the long haul, I had more vague dreams last night but with some recurring themes - old friends. From what I remember, it was like being i...
It's been a long time, too long. I'm getting back into making my dream journals every day, so here's to a new start and more lucid dreams 🍻 From what ...
This isn't mine, but I'm putting it here to come back to, you can also use it too! The way it works is in every dream journal, make a list of things und...
It started in a woods at night, walking with my dad, we circles around into an opening where we walked into the back door of someone's house. It was own...
Okay so, I had nothing to do, it is now midday and I just tried a Wake Induced Lucid Dream (Hopefully you know what that is 😅) and I was at the wall th...
All I remember is buying hot chocolate/cocoa powder...
I don't recall much, but even better.. I had another realisation and it worked longer! I asked for stabilisation and control, looked at my hands and sta...
It's late, but I need to mark down that I had a few vague dreams that I can't remember. I will have vivid and lucid dreams tonight that I will recognise...